This is composed of three simple apps that have been merged into one.
- Time Release Transfer dApp: Allows creation of time release transfers.
- Balance dApp: Looks up the balance of accounts.
- Multisig dApp: Looks up pending multisig transactions
- Connect to a node and wallet by selecting one of the three websocket URIs.
- Select the sender account from the dropdown menu.
- Fill in the form with the required information.
- Click the "Create Transfer" button to initiate the transaction.
- Review the transaction status and transaction hash in the Transaction Log.
- Connect to a node by selecting one of the three websocket URIs (or provide your own).
- Put in an account address
- Click the "Log Balance" button
- Review the result in the Balance Log
- Connect to a node by selecting one of the three websocket URIs (or provide your own).
- Put in the multisig addresses and threshold
Find Pending Multisig Transactions