An asynchronous client library for the Qqw REST API.
var Qqw = require('qqw');
var client = new Qqw();
var params = {name: 'accel', fields: 'name,score'};
client.get('organizations', params, function(error, organizations, response) {
npm install
var Qqw = require('qqw');
You now have the ability to make GET requests against the API via the convenience method.
client.get(path, params, callback);
You simply need to pass the endpoint and parameters to one of convenience methods. Take a look at the documentation site to reference available endpoints.
npm install -g browserify
npm run build
Write operations (PUT, POST, PATCH, DELETE) require credentials in the form of a valid user and formal approval from QuienEsQuien.Wiki administration. You can get these here. Read operations (GET) is openly available to third parties.