THE TANK WARS........ This website is an initiative under the outreach department of Tank Wars Game project, along with outreach it focuses on the academic development of those who worked on this; therefore the website is made from scratch using HTML, CSS AND Vanilla JavaScript Web Technologies. TankWars_Promo features include:
Game themed website: Our attempt was to create a website that represents what we are selling (Video Game), thus we tried to give it a creative look by making the website look like game. Introduction page: Like other events start with a bang, this website also opens with an animation of firing a missile (Bang) using an on load event. Gallery: This contains glimpse of what we are offering in a creative Slider form in an iframe tag. Array of 5 images that translates (along-X) and rotates (along-Y) simultaneously, all in a perspective view. Functioning: This continuous slider works on the object oriented principal. A Function that simulates class which contains ‘move’ and ‘check’ function which refer to the current object using 'this' keyword; each object of the class contains an image. Information page: contains the APK and Google Play link to the game, also tells the features of our game like Sandbox Blog, Tournament, Policy. Feedback: Our site consist a feedback with which user can share extra reviews to the developers of the game. Users’ valuable feedback would help us in improving and optimising the function of the game. Functioning: Our feedback form extracts the information from the input fields of the form i.e. the email, name, score, and feedback and stores it into a variable that is in turn displayed on the console. When we will connect our website to the database this stored feed will be directly forwarded to our database to our developers and hence the information (your suggestions/feedback) would be used for further enhancements and optimising the game.