- Ability to set SearchableEditor for all MonoBehaviour
- Add to project without git handler
- Save your requests between sessions with caching logic
- Default Search with criteria (ObjName, FieldName) && options (StartWith, IgnoreCase)
- Create your own search logic if necessary
- Override current CustomEditors with EditorScriptGeneratorWindow
- Unity Editor: 2018.4.3f1 | 2020.3.35f1
- OS: Windows 10
You can install this as package (nit: git will always handle "package.json" && lock file).
Use PackageManager -> Add package from git URL...
If you want example of using SearchableEditor for specific MonoBehaviour please see Step 2
Skip this if you installed this as package && you don't want to add a "FieldSearchDemo" folder
Download && Import latest asset package V1.0.3
"FieldSearchDemo" folder (optional) contains example of using SearchableEditor for specific MonoBehaviour
- Uncheck "FieldSearchDemo" folder if you don't need it.
- Uncheck "FieldSearch" folder if you have this as pacakge.
Create instance of default settings Field Search -> Add default settings ...
Field Search -> Add package folders to .gitignore (global)
After adding this package as asset you have tracked files for you git repo.
You can remove it for git without updating .gitignore in repo
Before press:
After press:
Field Search -> Remove package folders from .gitignore (global)
- Apply SearchableEditor to all MonoBehaviour (who don't use custom inspector)
- You can create && set custom SearchableLayerInspector to change default view of SearchableEditor
- Save cache to disk to use previous cache between sessions
- Memory limit in MB - memory and disk cache limit
- Ref to EditorScriptGeneratorSettings
- Clear cache buttons
- Open EditorScriptGenerator window button
You can try to override current active editors
- You can create your own Generation Template && Generator