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Arturia Keylab Essential MK3 programming guide

Welcome hackers!

This is an unofficial guide to programming the Keylab Essential MK3 keyboards under DAW mode. I was able to put it together by reverse engineering the Logic Pro and FL Studio DAW integration scripts. I hope you'll find it useful.


Message format:

F0 00 20 6B 7F 42 (DATA) F7

DAW connection:

02 0F 40 5A 01

DAW disconnection:

02 0F 40 5A 00


RGB Button:

04 01 16 (button_id) (r) (g) (b)

//  button_id:
//    MIDI CH:     00
//    Pad Bank:    01
//    Transp-:     02
//    Transp+:     03
//    Oct-:        04
//    Oct+:        05
//    Pads 1-16:   1C - 2B
//    Save:        0C
//    Quantize:    0D
//    Undo:        0E
//    Redo:        0F
//    Loop:        10
//    Rewind:      11
//    FF:          12
//    Metronome    13
//    Stop:        14
//    Play:        15
//    Record:      16
//    Tap Tempo:   17
//    Context 1-4: 18 - 21
//    Prog:        06
//    Part:        07
//    Arp:         08
//    Chord:       09
//    Scale:       0A
//    Hold:        0B
//  r,g,b: 00 - 7F


The knobs on Keylab Essential MKIII are endless encoders, but they send absolute 0 - 127 values on DAW mode. The current values are stored internally. If you need to update these values you need to use the code presented below.

Update encoder value:

02 0F 40 (knob_index) (value)

//  knob_index: 03 - 0B (Knob 1 - 9 incremented by 2)
//  value: 00 - 7F (new encoder value)


Switching keyboard presets:

21 11 40 02 00 (preset_index)

//  preset_index: 00 - 07


To display something on the screen you need to:

  1. Set one of the screen types (10 - 1A) and it's contents
  2. (Optional) Set header and/or footer. Only some of the screen types allow headers and footers.

Screen types

Theoretically, line_1 and line_2 will always accept 18 characters, but you shouldn't use more than 12 on K, F and P screen types. TI2L will fit 12 characters on line_1 and 18 characters on line_2. P2L will fit 14 characters on line_1 and 18 on line_2. If you use both Header and Footer on screen type TI2L, line_1 and line_2 will appear squished. If you exceed 18 characters on any line the text will be trimmed and ellipsis will be added after 18th character. I don't know what is the difference between F1l and 1L, or 2L and 2LS, they look the same to me.

//  line_1: ASCII string (18 characters)
//  line_2: ASCII string (18 characters)
//  transient: 00 (screen is permanent) or 01 (screen is temporary)
//  hw_value: 00 - 7F  (knob, fader or pad value)
//  icon: 00 - 4B (there is a list of available icons later in this document)


1 line of text centeered, Header and Footer allowed

04 01 60 10 01 (line_1) 00 (transient)


1 line of text centered, Header and Footer allowed

04 01 60 11 01 (line_1) 00 (transient)


2 lines of text centered, Header and Footer allowed

04 01 60 12 01 (line_1) 00 02 (line_2) 00 (transient)


2 lines of text centered, Header and Footer allowed

04 01 60 13 01 (line_1) 00 02 (line_2) 00


Knob on the left, 2 lines of text on the right

04 01 60 14 01 (line_1) 00 02 (line_2) 00 03 (hw_value) 00 (transient)


Fader on the left, 2 lines of text on the right

04 01 60 15 01 (line_1) 00 02 (line_2) 00 03 (hw_value) 00 (transient)


Pad on the left, 2 lines of text on the right

04 01 60 16 01 (line_1) 00 02 (line_2) 00 03 (hw_value) 00 (transient)


Pop-up message, 2 lines of text centered

04 01 60 17 01 (line_1) 00 02 (line_2) 00 01


2 lines of text centered and blinking, Header and Footer allowed

04 01 60 18 01 (line_1) 00 02 (line_2) 00 (transient)


Icon on the left, 2 lines of text on the right, Header and Footer allowed

04 01 60 19 01 (line_1) 00 02 (line_2) 00 03 (icon) 00 (transient)


Icon on the top, 2 lines of text on the bottom, Header OR Footer allowed):

04 01 60 1A 01 (line_1) 00 02 (line_2) 00 03 (icon) 00 (transient)

Clear screen:

04 01 60 61

Header and Footer

Header (max. 18 letters):

04 01 60 01 02 (line_1) 00 00

//  line_1: ASCII string (18 characters)


04 01 60 03 (Button1) (Button2) (Button3) (Button4)

//  Button creation process is explained below

Be very carefull with button text length, if you exceed the maximum of 7 letters the button won't render at all!


Button1:   1X (data) 00
Button2:   2X (data) 00
Button3:   3X (data) 00
Button4:   4X (data) 00

//  X: button type (0: state, 1: text, 2: icon)
//  data: state (?) | text (ASCII string) | icon (00 - 4B, list below)
//  example: 22 03 00 (Button 2 with Bass icon)

List of icons

None:           00
Logo:           01
Back:           02
Bass:           03
BassMini:       04
Brass:          05
BrassMini:      06
FullOctave:     07
Computer:       08
SmallPot:       09
SmallDelete:    0A
Drums:          0B
DrumsMini:      0C
EPiano:         0D
EPianoMini:     0E
FW:             0F
KeyType1:       10
KeyType2:       11
KeyType3:       12
KeyType4:       13
KeyType1Full:   14
KeyType2Full:   15
KeyType3Full:   16
KeyType4Full:   17
Keys:           18
KeysMini:       19
Lead:           1A
LeadMini:       1B
Like:           1C
EmptyLike:      1D
MidiDin:        1E
Organ:          1F
OrganMini:      20
Pads:           21
PadsMini:       22
LeftArrow:      23
RightArrow:     24
LeftArrowFull:  25
RightArrowFull: 26
Pencil:         27
Piano:          28
PianoMini:      29
Replacing:      2A
Reset:          2B
ResetMini:      2C
Sequence:       2D
SequenceMini:   2E
SFX:            2F
SFXMini:        30
Strings:        31
StringsMini:    32
Plus:           33
Update:         34
User:           35
UserMini:       36
Vocal:          37
VocalMini:      38
BottomBracket:  39
TopBracket:     3A
LeftBracket:    3B
RightBracket:   3C
Selected:       3D
Bank:           3E
Mixer:          3F
Search:         40
BigOctave:      41
Arm:            42
LiveS:          43
LiveA:          44
Bitwig:         45
FL:             46
Live:           47
Reason:         48
Cubase:         49
Logic:          4A
LastEntry:      4B

Example messages

Before you start you need to initialize the DAW connection (you don't need the actual DAW, it's just the type of connection that allows for SysEx control)

F0 00 20 6B 7F 42 02 0F 40 5A 01 F7

Now that you're connected, you can try and set Pad 1 colour to blue:

F0 00 20 6B 7F 42 04 01 16 1C 00 00 7F F7


Screen types


F0 00 20 6B 7F 42 04 01 60 10 01 4C 69 6E 65 20 31 00 00 F7


F0 00 20 6B 7F 42 04 01 60 11 01 4C 69 6E 65 20 31 00 00 F7


F0 00 20 6B 7F 42 04 01 60 12 01 4C 69 6E 65 20 31 00 02 35 30 25 00 00 F7


F0 00 20 6B 7F 42 04 01 60 13 01 4C 69 6E 65 20 31 00 02 35 30 25 00 F7


F0 00 20 6B 7F 42 04 01 60 14 01 4C 69 6E 65 20 31 00 02 35 30 25 00 03 40 00 00 F7


F0 00 20 6B 7F 42 04 01 60 15 01 4C 69 6E 65 20 31 00 02 35 30 25 00 03 40 00 00 F7


F0 00 20 6B 7F 42 04 01 60 16 01 4C 69 6E 65 20 31 00 02 35 30 25 00 03 40 00 00 F7


F0 00 20 6B 7F 42 04 01 60 17 01 4C 69 6E 65 20 31 00 02 35 30 25 00 01 F7


F0 00 20 6B 7F 42 04 01 60 18 01 4C 69 6E 65 20 31 00 02 35 30 25 00 00 F7


F0 00 20 6B 7F 42 04 01 60 19 01 4C 69 6E 65 20 31 00 02 35 30 25 00 03 03 00 00 F7


F0 00 20 6B 7F 42 04 01 60 1A 01 4C 69 6E 65 20 31 00 02 35 30 25 00 03 03 00 00 F7

Header and Footer


F0 00 20 6B 7F 42 04 01 60 01 02 4C 69 6E 65 20 31 00 00 F7


00 20 6B 7F 42 04 01 60 03 11 42 74 6e 31 00 20 02 00 31 42 74 6e 33 00 42 18 00


Arturia Keylab Essentials MK3 SysEx commands documentation







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