Halcyon is a unified High Performance Computing (HPC) center operations portal. It allows for self-serve customer allocation purchase and management, account management, a knowledge base, customer relations management (CRM), and more.
Halcyon utilizes Laravel, a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. Laravel takes the pain out of development by easing common tasks used in many web projects.
To be able to run Halcyon you have to meet the following requirements:
- PHP >= 8.1 or higher
- Ctype PHP Extension
- cURL PHP Extension
- DOM PHP Extension
- Fileinfo PHP extension
- Filter PHP Extension
- Hash PHP Extension
- JSON PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Session PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- XML PHP Extension
- MySql 5.6+ or MariahDB 10.1+
Extensions typically consist of modules, widgets, listeners (plugins), and themes.
Modules are found in /app/Modules
and can be thought of as relatively self-contained apps. These can have their own functionality, database tables, interfaces, console commands, and more. Examples include a forum, a store, etc. For further information on creating modules, see the official Laravel Modules documentation.
Note: The referenced documentation above places modules in ./Modules
. In Halcyon, they're found in ./app/Modules
. Aside from location, all other documentation should still apply.
Widgets are found in /app/Widgets
and are small bits of code that can be injected in different locations on a theme or page-by-page basis. Some widgets are linked to modules, displaying information specific to or feeding information to that module. An example of this would be a "Report a problem" widget that presents a form on every page for creating an entry in a support ticketing module. However, widgets do not need to be linked to modules; they can be just static HTML or text.
Listeners (a.k.a., plugins) are found in /app/Listeners
. Listeners can enhance data and provide additional functionality by executing code in response to certain events. Events serve as a way to decouple aspects of an application, since a single event can have multiple listeners that do not depend on each other. An example may be a listener that sends a notification to Slack when someone places a new order.
Themes are found in /app/Themes
. A theme controls the presentation of the content. The theme is the basic foundation design for viewing the website.
Below is an example of the location and typical directory structure typical extensions to the system:
|_ Listeners/
|_ Queues/
|_ lang/
|_ Queues.php
|_ listener.json
|_ Modules/
|_ Users/
|_ Config/
|_ Console/
|_ Database/
|_ Migrations/
|_ Seeders/
|_ Events/
|_ Http/
|_ Controllers/
|_ Middleware/
|_ Resources/
|_ Mail/
|_ Models/
|_ Providers/
|_ UsersServiceProvider.php
|_ RouteServiceProvider.php
|_ Resources/
|_ assets/
|_ js/
|_ app.js
|_ css/
|_ app.css
|_ lang/
|_ views/
|_ Routes/
|_ admin.php
|_ api.php
|_ site.php
|_ Tests/
|_ composer.json
|_ module.json
|_ package.json
|_ webpack.mix.js
|_ Themes/
|_ Admin/
|_ assets/
|_ js/
|_ app.js
|_ css/
|_ app.css
|_ lang/
|_ views/
|_ theme.json
|_ Widgets/
|_ Menu/
|_ lang/
|_ views/
|_ Menu.php
|_ widget.json
Clone the repo.
git clone git@github.com:PurdueRCAC/halcyon.git .
Move into the directory.
cd halcyon
Modify the database configuration in config/database.php
or .env
If you are using Docker the DB_HOST
name will be the container name of the MySQL service.
NOTE: You can copy .env.example
and rename it to .env
which will have many of the variables pre-filled.
This will perform the Composer install and initial database migration (found under the manual setup).
docker-compose up
Install needed libraries
docker exec -it halcyon-php-fpm php /var/www/html/bin/composer install --prefer-dist
Run the initial setup script
docker exec -it halcyon-php-fpm php /var/www/html/bin/composer run-script initial-setup
This should complete the setup as it runs through all the individual artisan commands listed below. However if you make changes/add Modules, etc. the individual commands to launch the appropriate artisan command via Docker are listed below.
Run migrations to install tables and base data.
docker exec -it halcyon-php-fpm php artisan migrate
docker exec -it halcyon-php-fpm php artisan module:migrate
Create a symlink from the file storage to a publicly accessible spot. This will create a symlink for ./public/files
to ./storage/app/public
docker exec -it halcyon-php-fpm php artisan storage:link
Publish assets.
docker exec -it halcyon-php-fpm php artisan module:publish
docker exec -it halcyon-php-fpm php artisan theme:publish
docker exec -it halcyon-php-fpm php artisan listener:publish
Run Composer to install dependencies.
php ./bin/composer install --prefer-dist
Modify the database configuration in config/database.php
or .env
Run migrations to install tables and base data.
php artisan migrate
php artisan module:migrate
Create a symlink from the file storage to a publicly accessible spot. This will create a symlink for ./public/files
to ./storage/app/public
php artisan storage:link
Publish assets.
php artisan module:publish
php artisan theme:publish
php artisan listener:publish
Regardless if using the Docker setup or manual installation, you will probably need to create an administrator account. Follow the prompts using the following command:
php artisan users:create
The repo contains some useful git hooks for development.
git config core.hooksPath .githooks