Bluetooth Generic Attribute Profile (GATT) for Swift
GATT is available as a Swift Package Manager package. To use it, add the following dependency in your Package.swift
.package(url: "", branch: "master"),
and to your target, add GATT
to your dependencies. You can then import GATT
to get access to GATT functionality.
Platform | Roles | Backend | Library |
macOS, iOS, watchOS, tvOS, visionOS | Central, Peripheral | CoreBluetooth | DarwinGATT |
Linux | Central, Peripheral | BlueZ | BluetoothLinux, GATT |
Android | Central | Java Native Interface | AndroidBluetooth |
WebAssembly | Central | Bluetooth Web API | BluetoothWeb |
Pi Pico W | Peripheral | BlueKitchen BTStack | BTStack |
ESP32 | Peripheral | Apache NimBLE | NimBLE |
nRF52840 | Peripheral | Zephyr SDK | Zephyr |
import Bluetooth
#if canImport(Darwin)
import DarwinGATT
#elseif os(Linux)
import BluetoothLinux
#if os(Linux)
typealias LinuxPeripheral = GATTPeripheral<BluetoothLinux.HostController, BluetoothLinux.L2CAPSocket>
guard let hostController = await HostController.default else {
fatalError("No Bluetooth hardware connected")
let serverOptions = GATTPeripheralOptions(
maximumTransmissionUnit: .max,
maximumPreparedWrites: 1000
let peripheral = LinuxPeripheral(
hostController: hostController,
options: serverOptions,
socket: BluetoothLinux.L2CAPSocket.self
#elseif canImport(Darwin)
let peripheral = DarwinPeripheral()
#error("Unsupported platform")
// start advertising
try await peripheral.start()
import Bluetooth
#if canImport(Darwin)
import DarwinGATT
#elseif os(Linux)
import BluetoothLinux
#if os(Linux)
typealias LinuxCentral = GATTCentral<BluetoothLinux.HostController, BluetoothLinux.L2CAPSocket>
let hostController = await HostController.default
let central = LinuxCentral(
hostController: hostController,
socket: BluetoothLinux.L2CAPSocket.self
#elseif canImport(Darwin)
let central = DarwinCentral()
#error("Unsupported platform")
// start scanning
let stream = try await central.scan(filterDuplicates: true)
for try await scanData in stream {
Read the documentation here. Documentation can be generated with DocC.
GATT is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.