A simple command line project generator to make the files I make every time I make a project.
You will need g++ and make installed to install through a build. After installing those you will need to download the latest release and run the install script. You may then safely delete the downloaded folder and its contents.
For linux, you will be running installLinux.sh
Of note, the install path may need to differ depending on the distro, so the
install script was built with ArchLinux in mind (And distros built on it).
Windows does not yet have an install script, but you should be able to build it
manually if you want.
To use it simply use the following command in the directory you wish to generate
alternatively you can pass in the path to the project:
ppg <directory>
If you want to add more default files or modify how a specific file is generated you can modify or add files into the templates directory
template variables (replaced with actual values):
- the name of the project
- the alias for the project (the name used for filenames)
to use these in filenames simply include in your filename the variable
(excluding the $$)
To build the project you will need g++ and make. Once you have those you can
simply use: