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Reinbo is an AutoML solution in R that optimizes machine learning pipeline with Bayesian Optimization embedded Reinforcement Learning.

Read our ECML Auto Data Science workshop paper for more information.

ReinBo: Machine Learning pipeline search and configuration with Bayesian Optimization embedded Reinforcement Learning, Xudong Sun and Jiali Lin and Bernd Bischl, arxiv preprint,, 2019

For citation, see reinbo_citation.bib in this repository.

Reproduce the benchmark experiments

The codes to reproduce the experiments in the paper lies in the directory "benchmark".

  • install the required packages through benchmark/install_depend.R
  • learn how to use the R cran package batchtools for large scale benchmark study
  • in folder benchmark, execute main.R, then submit jobs according to "batchtools" API
  • There are in total 600 jobs

Installation of the Package

We also have an R package developed, to install, first you should have the rlR package ready

install rlR through


read the instructions about rlR to make sure it works on your computer.



Using ReinBo Package

Load package to library and now ReinBo is ready for you to optimize a pipeline.

best_model = reinbo(task = mlrTask, budget = 1000L, train_set = train_set, custom_operators = NULL)
  • task: the task must be a mlr task (currently only classification task is accepted.)
  • budget: maximum number of pipelines to evaluate
  • train_set: optimization data set index vector
  • custom_operators: set Null to use all default operators for pipeline

A typical ML pipline consists of 3 stages: preprocessing, filtering and classification. Below is a list of the current built-in operators at each stage that come with ReinBo:

  • preprocess: "cpoScale()", "cpoScale(scale = FALSE)", "cpoScale(center = FALSE)", "cpoSpatialSign()", "NA";

  • filter: "cpoFilterAnova(perc)", "cpoFilterKruskal(perc)", "cpoPca(center = FALSE, rank)", "cpoFilterUnivariate(perc)", "NA";

  • classifier: "classif.ksvm", "classif.ranger", "classif.kknn", "classif.xgboost", "classif.naiveBayes";

where "NA" indicates that no operator would be taken at that stage.

Users can also select a subset of operators by setting e.g.:

custom_operators = list(preprocess = c("cpoScale()", "cpoSpatialSign()", "NA"),
                        filter = NULL, # using all filtering operators
                        classifier = c("classif.kknn", "classif.naiveBayes"))


task = convertOMLTaskToMlr(getOMLTask(37))$mlr.task %>>% cpoDummyEncode( = FALSE)
split = makeResampleInstance("Holdout", task)
train_set = split$train.inds[[1]]
test_set = split$test.inds[[1]]
best_model = reinbo(task = task, budget = 100L, train_set = train_set, custom_operators = NULL)
##                                                  Model        C     sigma
## 13 cpoScale()\tcpoFilterUnivariate(perc)\tclassif.ksvm 6.976259 -7.312171
##         perc          y
## 13 0.5984765 -0.2304947

y in the result is the negative mmce (mean mis-classification error) of the best model.


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  • R 87.6%
  • Python 10.3%
  • TeX 1.6%
  • Rebol 0.5%