Hi, all,
Your midterm grades have been uploaded to newclasses. The highest score in the class is 85, lowest is 31, mean 57.34, media 57.5. Attached please find the score vs. rank distribution. I will return your midterm exambook and talk about the solutions in Thursday's class.
Dear EL9343 Folks,
Happy you all had a great Christmas and New Year break.
We have finished the grading of final exam, you should be able to see your score in newclasses now. The class (online and in-person) average is 62.82, median 62. Attached please find the score distribution. If you want to review your exam book, you can come to my office 2 MetroTech 9.125, between 11am and 1pm tomorrow (Tuesday). The final letter grade will be assigned based on your weighted average score of :
10% * homework + 40% midterm + 50% final
The letter grade will be uploaded later this week.