This is the repo of code and data for paper "Attention redistribution during event segmentation in Large Language Model", NeurIPS 2024 Workshop on Behavioral ML.
To execute the whole project on your hpc or server, pls follow the instructions below:
cd ./attention_event_llm
# create virtual environment on hpc server, in the terminal:
python -m venv llmenv
# activate the environment
source ./attention_event_llm/llmenv/bin/activate
# download packages
cd ./attention_event_llm/llmenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages
pip install torch safetensors transformers datasets accelerate peft bitsandbytes matplotlib seaborn spacy striptf scipy ipykernel numpy pandas os sys
# download scipy model
cd ./attention_event_llm/llmenv/bin/
python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
# add virtual environment to Jupyter notebooks
python -m ipykernel install --user --name=llmenv --display-name "llmenv"
# to run the script to generate the attention scores
# non segmentation for each story, testing non-punctuation
sbatch story1.txt 0
# segmentation for each story, testing punctuation
sbatch story2.txt 1