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Using a container with dbatools and pode server to wrap dbatools powershell cmdlets as a restul api we can abstract database lifecycle managent to an http client


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Using a container with dbatools and pode server to wrap dbatools powershell cmdlets as a REST API we can abstract database lifecycle managent to an http client

It can be run stand alone or bundled together with an sql server server container as a side car for testing.

Insecure by default.

in the early 2020s Microsoft finally started to take encryption seriously and set their defaults to encrypt traffic and for clients to not automatically trust any server certificate.

Chrissy LeMaire of dbatools wrote a good blog post on what this means.

For this tool, the default stays, so I added this to the pode server.

Start-PodeServer -Threads 1 {
# ...

I would love for someone to send a PR on allowing you to set your root cert, and to not trust but to verify in the .env file.

SQL Server in a container with a sidecar

You can use docker compose to build and up everything in one go.

Other sql server

You can use the docker file to run stand alone and target another server. Doing so will require you to give the container network access.

$ContainerName = 'standalone'
$HostPort = 8080
$ImageName = 'dsoderlund/dbatools-restapi:latest'
Invoke-Command { docker stop $ContainerName } -ErrorAction "SilentlyContinue" | Out-Null
Invoke-Command { docker rm   $ContainerName } -ErrorAction "SilentlyContinue" | Out-Null
Write-Host "Starting container $ContainerName on port $HostPort from the image $ImageName"
docker run -d --name $ContainerName -p "$($HostPort):8080" $ImageName

sa account

If you are using another target server than the one created with docker-compose, you need to manually add the corresponding sa account to that instance.

Import-Module dbatools
# declare the variables from the file so they are in powershell.
gc .env | % {
    $n,$v = $_.Split('=')
    set-variable -Name $n -Value $v
# Set variables for localhost sql server sa account creation
New-DbaLogin -sqlinstance "localhost,$($DB_INTERNALPORT)" -login $SA_USER -securepassword ( $MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD | convertto-securestring -asplaintext -force ) -force | out-null

# WARNING: this allows the user from your env file to be the sysadmin of the sql instance you are targetting. Double check these settings before you run.
# - this is to allow the user to be able to create, delete, snapshot ANY database. -
# do not run this if you value the data that is inside this database instance.
Add-DbaServerRoleMember -sqlinstance "localhost,$($DB_INTERNALPORT)" -Login $SA_USER -serverrole 'sysadmin' -confirm:$false

Surf to http://localhost:8080/ in your browser to see that the site is up

Function Invoke-SidecarRequest {
        [string]$Uri = 'http://localhost:8080'
    Write-Verbose "Calling restmethod [$MethodName] on endpoint [$Uri]"
    return Invoke-Restmethod -uri "$Uri/$MethodName" -TimeoutSec 60


Use Usage-Demo.ps1 to try out the features on top of sql server 2022 on express in docker.


Using a container with dbatools and pode server to wrap dbatools powershell cmdlets as a restul api we can abstract database lifecycle managent to an http client







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