This repository provides the code that carries out generalized quantum master equation (GQME) propagation, as well as the tensor-train thermo-field dynamics (TT-TFD) propagation to obtain the projection free input for the GQME routine. This code accompanies the paper "Tensor-Train Thermo-Field Memory Kernels for Generalized Quantum Master Equations" by Ningyi Lyu,* Ellen Mulvihill,* Micheline B. Soley, Eitan Geva, and Victor S. Batista, currently available on arxiv at
The code in
generates the TT-TFD projection free inputs for spin-boson model 1 (detailed in section 5.1 of the main text). The current code initialize electronic state at donor state (line 70:tt_psi=tt_su), and the results correspond to four U elements (U_ab00) with a,b={0,1}. To obtain all 16 U elements, change line 65 to "tt_psi=tt_sd","tt_psi=tt_e1" and "tt_psi=tt_e2". Please refer to Section 4.4 of main text and Section S.IV of SI for details. With the current setting, each run should take a few hours to finish on a commercial computer.
The projection-free input code in
will calculate the PFIs
The code for the memory kernels, inhomogeneous terms, and GQMEs are all given in C++. They share a constants.h
and gen_constants.h
file, where you can specify the parameters of the model and GQME type.
This package requires the following:
- python
- ttpy
- matplotlib
- numpy
- scipy
- c++11
The TT-TFD Code is given in
To run the dynamics code, execute the following command:
The arrays "psu","psd","coh12" and "coh21" are the outputs for populations and coherences. For the current calculation (initialize electronic state at donor state, line 65:tt_psi=tt_su) should be directly used as U elements. For the ones that require linear combination, use the method described in SI, Section S.IV.
The projection-free inputs (PFIs) code is given in
To run the PFIs code, execute the following command:
The memory kernel code is located in C++ > SubsetStates_GQME > KernelCode.
To run the memory kernel code, after setting the gqmeType and number in the Makefile, execute the following commands:
The inhomogeneous term code is located in C++ > SubsetStates_GQME > ITermCode.
To run the inhomogeneous term code, after setting the gqmeType and number in the Makefile, execute the following commands:
The GQME code is located in C++ > SubsetStates_GQME > GQMECode.
To run the GQME code, after setting the gqmeType and number in the Makefile, execute the following commands: