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Compile instructions for Windows

Johannes Czech edited this page Jan 8, 2020 · 9 revisions
  1. Clone the CrazyAra repository:
git clone --recursive
  1. Build the MXNet C++ package

Install all premilaries and depending on your preference follow the CUDA or MKL guide.

Make sure to install Visual Studio together with the VC++ toolset and enable Visual Studio support when installing CUDA.

Clone the MXNet library:

git clone --recursive

Make sure that msbuild.exe is found from the command line:

  • Windows->Edit System Environment Variables: Path
  • add C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\15.0\Bin

Configure the library with the options you need (e.g. CUDA, CUDNN). Building with OpenCV is not required:

mkdir build
cd build

CUDA/cuDNN backend

cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" -T cuda=10.1,host=x64^
 -DCUDNN_INCLUDE="C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v10.1\include"^
 -DCUDNN_LIBRARY="C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v10.1\lib\x64\cudnn.lib" ..


cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 Win64" -DUSE_CUDA=0 -DUSE_CUDNN=0 -DUSE_NVRTC=0^
 -DMKL_ROOT="C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\compilers_and_libraries\windows\mkl" ..

Start the building process:

msbuild mxnet.sln /p:Configuration=Release;Platform=x64 /maxcpucount

Generate the "op.h" file:

python "\your\build\Release\libmxnet.dll"

If this doesn't work on your system due to encoding errors, you can try downloading the file instead:

  1. Build the CrazyAra binary
set MXNET_PATH=<path_to_mxnet>/incubator-mxnet/
set BLAZE_PATH=<path_to_blaze>/Blaze_3.6/
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" ..
msbuild CrazyAra.sln /p:Configuration=Release;Platform=x64 /maxcpucount
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