Plugin for MantisBT to manage roadmaps with additional features
- create and manage different roadmap profiles
- display different roadmaps as specified in a profile
- group profiles for different progress calculation
- additional informations
- overview for simple navigation (requires javascript enabled)
- MantisBT 1.2
Copy the 'RoadmapPro' plugin in the plugins directory of Mantis. After installing a new menu entry "Roadmap Pro" is added.
If you want to disable the standard MantisBT roadmap, please add the following code into the html_api.php in
-> function print_menu -> go to # Roadmap Page
Add the following condition to the if-statement: && !plugin_is_installed ( 'RoadmapPro' )
The Code should look like
if ( access_has_project_level( config_get( 'roadmap_view_threshold' ) )
&& !plugin_is_installed ( 'RoadmapPro' ) // new code snippet
$t_menu_options[] = '' . helper_mantis_url( 'roadmap_page.php';
Then the standard roadmap menu field is disabled when the RoadmapPro-Plugin is installed.
- english
- german
You are welcome to translate this plugin, in a different language with Crowdin.
Screenshot of the 'Roadmap Pro' overview with single progress.
Screenshot of the 'Roadmap Pro' detailed roadmap information with single progress.
Screenshot of the 'Roadmap Pro' overview with overall progress.
Screenshot of the 'Roadmap Pro' detailed roadmap information with overall progress.