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Releases: QuickLogic-Corp/TinyFPGA-Programmer-Application


08 Dec 21:21
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  • add appfpga binary flashing support
  • add ability to set the operating mode : m4 only, appfpga only, appfgpa + m4

TinyFPGA Programmer Application Release QL-v1.0.0 for QORC

16 Jun 03:40
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TinyFPGA Programmer Application for QORC Quickfeather boards.

Note: For A or B series use the original TinyFPGA-Programmer-Application instead.

First version supporting QuickFeather early adopters

03 Jun 22:01
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First version that supports QuickFeather. Significant modifications to the original TinyFPGA-Programmer-Application. Suggest not using for A or B series, instead use the original for that.