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Canvas MindMap


  1. Install the plugin
  2. Create a new canvas
  3. Create a node in the empty canvas
  4. Select the node and the press Tab to create a child node (You need to exit edit mode first by pressing Escape)
  5. Select the child node and press Enter to create a brother node
  6. Done, you get a mindmap.


  • Auto layout for specific direction
  • Select node's tree
  • Change color for node's edges


  • Press Enter to create brother card; (You can change this hotkey in setting)
  • Press Tab to create child card;
  • Press Alt + ←/→/↓/↑ to navigate between nodes;
  • Press Cmd / Ctrl + ←/→/↓/↑ to create floating nodes;
  • Press Cmd / Ctrl + Shift + ←/→/↓/↑ to create child nodes;


  • Create child node
  • Create sibling node
  • Create floating node
  • Open changelog
  • Enter/exit edit mode



How to Install

  • Obsidian: Available on Obsidian Plugin Market
  • BRAT: Add quorafind/canvas-mindmap to BRAT.
  • Manual: Download the latest release. Extract and put the three files (main.js, manifest.json, styles.css) to {{obsidian_vault}}/.obsidian/plugins/obsidian-canvas-mindmap.