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Base android functionality for the RADAR passive application plugins


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Base module for the RADAR passive remote monitoring app. Plugins for that app should implement the API from this base library. Also user interfaces should use this as a base. Currently, the main user interface is RADAR-AndroidApplication.

Plugins that are implemented as part of RADAR-base are included in the plugins directory. Please refer to the README in the respective plugin for information on how to use the plugin.


This library takes the following firebase parameters:

Parameter Type Default Description
kafka_rest_proxy_url URL <empty> URL of a Kafka REST Proxy or RADAR-Gateway to send data to.
schema_registry_url URL <empty> URL of a Kafka Schema Registry to sync schemas with.
management_portal_url URL <empty> URL of the RADAR Management Portal. If empty, the Management Portal will not be used.
unsafe_kafka_connection boolean false Whether to accept unsafe HTTPS certificates. Only meant to be set to true in development environments.
plugins string <empty> A space-separated list of source providers to connect.
kafka_records_send_limit int 1000 Number of records to send in a single request.
kafka_records_size_limit int (bytes) 5000000 (= 5 MB) Maximum size to read for a single request.
kafka_upload_rate int (s) 50 Rate after which to send data. In addition, after every kafka_upload_rate divided by 5 seconds, if more than kafka_records_send_limit are in the buffer, these are sent immediately.
database_commit_rate int (ms) 10000 (= 10 seconds) Rate of committing new data to disk. If the application crashes, at most this interval of data will be lost.
sender_connection_timeout int (s) 120 HTTP timeout setting for data uploading.
kafka_upload_minimum_battery_level int (s) 0.1 (= 10%) Battery level percentage below which to stop sending data. Data will still be collected.
max_cache_size_bytes long (byte) 450000000 Maximum number of bytes per topic to store.
send_only_with_wifi boolean true Whether to send only when WiFi is connected. If false, for example LTE would also be used.
send_over_data_high_priority_only boolean true Only the data of high priority topics will be sent over LTE. Only used if send_only_with_wifi is set to true. High priority topics are determined by the topics_high_priority property.
topics_high_priority string <empty> A comma separated list of topics that should be considered high priority.
send_with_compression boolean true Send data with GZIP compression. This requires RADAR-Gateway to be installed in front of the Kafka REST Proxy.
firebase_fetch_timeout_ms long (ms) 43200000 (= 12 hours) Interval for fetching new Firebase configuration if the app is not active.
send_binary_data boolean true Send data using a binary protocol. If the server does not support it, the app will fall back to regular JSON protocol.


Include this repository by adding the following snippet to your Android build.gradle file:

repositories {
dependencies {
    api 'org.radarbase:radar-commons-android:1.2.2'

Include additional plugins by adding:

dependencies {
    implementation 'org.radarbase:<plugin name>:1.2.2'

Creating a plugin

To add source types to the passive remote monitoring Android app, create a plugin using the following steps:

First, create an Android Library project. Include RADAR Commons Android as a module in build.gradle.

  1. Add the schemas of the data you intend to send to the RADAR-base Schemas repository. Your record keys should be org.radarcns.kafka.ObservationKey. Be sure to set the namespace property to org.radarcns.mydevicetype so that generated classes will be put in the right package. All values should have time and timeReceived fields, with type double. These represent the time in seconds since the Unix Epoch (1 January 1970, 00:00:00 UTC). Subsecond precision is possible by using floating point decimals. Until those schemas are published, generate them using Avro tools. Find avro-tools-1.8.2.jar by going to, choosing a mirror, and then downloading avro-1.8.2/java/avro-tools-1.8.2.jar. You can now generate source code for a schema myschema.avsc with the following command:
    java -jar avro-tools-1.8.2.jar compile -string schema path/to/myschema.avsc path/to/plugin/src/main/java
    Once the schemas are published as part of the central schemas repository, you can remove the generated files again. Do not publish a non-alpha version of your plugin without the central schemas being published, otherwise there may be class conflicts later on.
  2. Create a new package org.radarbase.passive.mydevicetype. In that package, create classes that:
    • implement to connect to a device and collect its data, register all Kafka topics in its constructor.
    • if needed, implement a custom to keep the current state of the device, or simply use
    • subclass to run the device manager in.
    • subclass a that exposes the new service.
  3. Add a new service element to AndroidManifest.xml, referencing the newly created device service. Also add all the required permissions there. Set all features as optional.
  4. Add the SourceProvider you just created to the plugins property in app/src/main/res/xml/remote_config_defaults.xml.

Publish the resulting data on a maven repository. The plugin can also be created in the plugins directory. In that case, open a pull request so we can review the plugin to be added to the set of commons plugins.

Creating an application

To create an Android App, follow the following steps:

  1. Include this module in the Gradle dependencies, and also all plugins that you would like to use
  2. Update your code with
    • A main activity that extends
    • A main activity view that extends This should reference a layout and update its values based on the services that are connected to the main activity.
    • An application class that implements or extends
    • A service class that extends Add all plugins that should be enabled in the app to the plugins value.
    • A service class that extends Implement any classes to be able to log in.
    • A login activity that extends
    • An activity that extends and initializes the app.
    • If wanted, create a BroadcastListener that listens to the ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED event and starts your SplashActivity subclass. Configure it with the MainActivity.configureRunAtBoot(Class) method.
  3. In AndroidManifest.xml, add your application and service. If wanted add your boot-listener to listen to ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED events and set enabled to false.
  4. Copy src/main/res/xml/remote_config_defaults_template.xml to app/src/main/res/xml/remote_config_defaults.xml and insert all needed values there.


For latest code use dev branch. Code should be formatted using the Google Java Code Style Guide, except using 4 spaces as indentation. To only build plugins that are of interest to you, add a gradle.skip file in all plugin directories that should not be built.

If you want to contribute a feature or fix browse our issues, and please make a pull request.

Publishing Schemas to Maven Local

While the plugin is in development phase schemas are not published centrally. To access the java generated file from avro schemas first publish them to maven local. To publish schemas locally to Maven, please follow these steps:

  1. Change your working directory to java-sdk in RADAR-Schemas.

  2. Run the following commands in your terminal:

./gradlew build 
./gradlew publishToMavenLocal
  1. In your build.gradle file, add the following to your repositories block:
repositories {
  1. In the same build.gradle file, add the following to your dependencies block, replacing $radarSchemasVersion with its corresponding value:
dependencies {
    implementation "org.radarbase:radar-schemas-commons:$radarSchemasVersion"

You can find the version value in the metadata of your local Maven repository. It should end in SNAPSHOT.


Code made in the RADAR-base platform is licensed under the Apache License 2.0, as listed in see the LICENSE file in this directory. Plugins that have additional licensing requirements list them in their README.