©2013-2014 Fleksy, v1.0
Give your users the choice of an alternative keyboard for the first time ever on iOS!
to your project, as well asAudioToolbox.framework
Set the following flags under “Other Linker Flags”:
Add a custom URL Type under the “Info” tab in your project:
That’s it! (no code is required)
Users can now switch to Fleksy by invoking the Edit menu on any input field (long tap or double tap).
Optionally, implement this in your UIApplicationDelegate and return your affiliate ID: - (NSString *)fleksyAffiliateID;
If you are using a custom view that is not extending UITextField/UITextView, implement this in your UIApplicationDelegate: - (BOOL) fleksyShouldEnableCustomViewSupport;
Please see the Wiki and use the Issues page for making feature requests and reporting issues.