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swt edited this page Mar 12, 2018 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the WisAp wiki!


WisAp is as a router. It's based on openwrt,if you are the first compiler SDK you need to choose to use the product type and then set the compiler environment. so that the next time you recompile the same types of products when there is no need to in the environmental settings unless you want to switch to other types of products.


Before you get started, let's review what you'll need.

  1. WisAp development board - Buy at Rakwireless - wisapBoard
  2. Micro-USB power cable
  3. Network Cable - Ethernet for download firmware to wiscore board and surf the ineternet
  4. Get WisAp APP - WisAp

Let's get start to compiler wisAp SDK

The original WisAp SDK on a wisap board project required manual download and compile to run. To make the process faster and easier, we’ve included an compile install script with the project that will take care of all the heavy lifting. Not only does this reduce setup time to less than an hour on our wiscore board, it only requires developers to adjust three variables in a single install environment script - build/ .

Step 1: Clone the WisAp-SDK

Open terminal, and type the following:

cd Desktop
git clone

Step 2: to set compile environment

Before you run make, you need to set compile environment for the products you use with, now we want to use the wisap, so we should choose wisAp products types.

cd ~/Desktop/WisCore-SDK
./build/ wisAp hgw

Step 3: Run Make to compile

You are now ready to run make command to compile. This will install all dependencies, including to compile openwrt and related application

To run the make, open terminal and navigate to the folder where the project was cloned. Then run the following command in the SDK directory:


Finally compiled generated files firmware in the folder out/target/bin

Note: if you have selected the product and want to comiple other product,you need "make clean" then rebuild

Step 4: burn the firmware to wisap board

copy the firmware to windows - To download the latest firmware

cp ~/Desktop/WisCore-SDK/out/target/bin/firmware /windows/

How to burn firmware to Board

Finally, you can use it as a router, but if you want to use it as "station mode", please setup wifi

  • Button1: on Mother Board , single click, it will recover from "ap" mode to "sta" mode, press it about 5 seconds, the device will recovery factory.