This repository contains experiments for the Nvidia devblog post "Bias Variance Decompositions using XGBoost".
pip install xgboost distributed
These experiments are set up to run on a distributed cluster. They can easily be run on a local machine by replacing the following line, although they may be time-consuming
# client = Client('')
client = Client()
To run all experiments:
Images will be output to images/
Add your own function based on this template
def experiment_gbm_subsample(client):
subsample_range = np.linspace(0.1, 1.0)
models = [xgb.XGBRegressor(max_depth=15, reg_lambda=0.01, subsample=subsample) for subsample in
futures =, models, generator=generate_rosenbrock)
results = client.gather(futures)
plot_experiment("Bias Variance Decomposition - Gradient Boosting", "Subsample", subsample_range,
Add any iterable set of scikit-learn compatible models.