This is the starter template for the Next.js Basics Learning Session
Note: Make sure you're on Node 18!!
Run the following command to install the project's dependencies:
npm i
Run the following command to start the development server"
npm run dev
Add pages on the routes '/dashboard', '/dashboard/customers', and '/dashboard/invoices'. They should each be in the format <p> Name Page</p>;
Copy the following code into a new file called layout.tsx in the /dashboard
import SideNav from '@/app/ui/dashboard/sidenav';
export default function Layout({ children }: { children: React.ReactNode }) {
return (
<div className="flex h-screen flex-col md:flex-row md:overflow-hidden">
<div className="w-full flex-none md:w-64">
<SideNav />
<div className="flex-grow p-6 md:overflow-y-auto md:p-12">{children}</div>
To use the <Link />
component, open /app/ui/dashboard/nav-links.tsx, and import the Link component from next/link. Then, replace the <a>
tag with <Link>
Since usePathname() is a hook, you'll need to turn nav-links.tsx into a Client Component. Add React's "use client" directive to the top of the file, then import usePathname() from next/navigation:
'use client';
import {
} from '@heroicons/react/24/outline';
import Link from 'next/link';
import { usePathname } from 'next/navigation';
// ...
Next, assign the path to a variable called pathname inside your component:
export default function NavLinks() {
const pathname = usePathname();
// ...
You can use the clsx library to conditionally apply class names when the link is active. When link.href matches the pathname, the link should be displayed with blue text and a light blue background.
Here's the final code for nav-links.tsx:
import clsx from 'clsx';
// ...
'flex h-[48px] grow items-center justify-center gap-2 rounded-md bg-gray-50 p-3 text-sm font-medium hover:bg-sky-100 hover:text-blue-600 md:flex-none md:justify-start md:p-2 md:px-3',
'bg-sky-100 text-blue-600': pathname === link.href,
<LinkIcon className="w-6" />
<p className="hidden md:block">{}</p>
For more information, see the course curriculum on the Next.js Website.