Whois release 1.115 contains the following changes
- API key authentication (#1569, #1597, #1618, #1620, #1622, #1624, #1626, #1627)
- NRTMv4 client implementation (#1560, #1574, #1575, #1596, #1579, #1577, #1605, #1609, #1610, #1621)
- Use relative path in NRTMv4 update notification file (#1583)
- Add JWS Support To Fix Race Condition in NRTMv4 (#1564, #1589)
- Add MNTNER to RDAP Entities Search (#1612)
- Import ARIN and LACNIC IRR database dumps into mirror (#1428)
- Syncupdates will return an error in future if used over HTTP (#1561)
- Mailupdates will return an error in future if a password is used (#1559)
- Include password authentication type in Whois Update notifications (#1541)
- Extend Maximum Length of an Email Address (#1545)
- Allow blocking by source address on Port 43 Queries (#1539)
- Generate mail Message-ID including angle brackets. (#1534)
- Change Database Schema from Latin1 to UTF8 (#1525)