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Justin M. LaPre edited this page Dec 20, 2013 · 3 revisions

Unity C Test Framework

We will be using the Unity testing framework for C. []

Every test will call a user-supplied function before and after the test. Here are declarations for these functions:

void tearDown(void);

void setUp(void);

Mine do nothing, but they may be useful depending on your test dependencies.

Finally, you need something to test. You can test anything you like with Unity. There are too many options to list here, see unity.h for the full list.

At any rate, here is my olsr-test.c file in its entirety:

#include <ross.h>
#include "unity.h"

void tearDown(void)

void setUp(void)

void test_region(void)
    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(region(15), 0);

The ruby script will pull out any function starting with test and add it to the ruby-generated test runner. It will also call setUp() before each test and subsequently call tearDown() after each test has completed.

CMake Testing Support

This solution started with this link.

Start by creating a model with a CMakeLists.txt file that looks like the following:



ADD_EXECUTABLE(olsr-j olsr-main.c ${olsr_srcs})


        SET(TEST_DIR ${ROSS_SOURCE_DIR}/../test)

        # Generate our test_Runner.c file from our C file containing the tests
                   OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/olsr-test_Runner.c
           COMMAND /usr/bin/ruby ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/test/auto/generate_test_runner.rb ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/olsr-test.c
           DEPENDS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/olsr-test.c
        ADD_EXECUTABLE(olsr-test ${TEST_DIR}/unity.c olsr-test.c olsr-test_Runner.c ${olsr_srcs})

        TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(olsr-test ROSS m)
        GET_TARGET_PROPERTY(test_binary olsr-test LOCATION)

        # Make sure you run the test executable after building the binary
        ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(tester ALL DEPENDS olsr-test)
                TARGET tester
                COMMAND ${test_binary}
                DEPENDS olsr-test


Please note that your model will not have olsr in the filenames. Actually, some of the above should already be familiar to you. The new part is in the IF(UNIT_TESTS) block. This will only be turned on if you enable unit testing in ROSS (you can do this at configuration time using ccmake). Your CMakeLists.txt should look very similar to this. Instead of generated olsr-test_Runner.c, you will generate your-model-test_Runner.c. It gets generated by running a ruby program on your your-model-test.c. It adds an executable, olsr-test to your build. The ADD_CUSTOM commands at the bottom make sure your tests run every time you make a change.

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