Code from
Finds fastest path through all 472 NYC subway stations for the NYC Subway Challenge.
Uses a greedy alg and a BFS search to find optimal path through representation of New York City subway system. Data provided by MTA & webscraped from Google Maps. Written in C++ and Python. The current apporach is to start at the previous record holder's(Matthew Ahn) start location and time; Far Rockaway-Mott Ave at 2am on a Sunday - there may be a better starting location.
- Compile:
- Release: g++ *.cpp -O2 -std=c++20 -o main.out
- Debug: g++ *.cpp -g -std=c++2a -o main.out -Wall
- Run:
- ./main.out data.txt lineData.txt
- Stations implemented with a matrix representation
- Walkable stations are manually connected with an edge