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How does the guide book work and how to create content

Bernardo Antunes edited this page Mar 3, 2021 · 2 revisions

Book structure

This guide book works a bit like the web, in the sense that every page is independent of each other but is capable of linking to other pages, enabling you to reference and jump around as needed.

Inside the book folder in Logistics Pipes' assets you will find a folder for each localization, the one being officially supported being en_us.
Each localization is completely independent from all the others, meaning every translator has the creative freedom to not follow the original version.

The entry point for the book in every language will always be at /book/{language_code}/ and from here you will be able to link to whichever page you desire, provided it's within the same language folder.

In case a page that is being linked is not available in the current language the book will automatically default to English if possible.

Page structure

Every page of the book is a markdown or .md file, it will however need to follow a specific format:

  • YAML header with the page's metadata inside a HTML comment.
  • Markdown body.
title: Page's title
icon: logisticspipes:item_that_represents_page
▯▯▯▯Menu Group Name:
▯▯▯▯▯▯- path/
▯▯▯▯▯▯- ./
Text content.

(▯ represent spaces)

Since this is YAML make sure you are following the formatting rules correctly.

The title is a simple string, no styles will be parsed from it. Necessary
The icon will show up as a representation of the page for other pages. It's merely visual. Necessary
The menu this tag will define all the menus that will be found within the page.
Each entry here will be a menu id, just like menu_id, see how to use those below. Each entry at the same level as Menu Group Name is a simple string that gives name to a subdivision of a menu.
Each entry following a group name will be an actual menu entry, pointing to another page in the book as seen above.

Below the HTML comment starts the text content of the page, parsed as defined below.

Markdown capabilities

_ or * → Italic
** → Bold

# up to ##### → Header paragraph

--- → Horizontal line through the span of the page.

Just like in most markdown parsers to actually break a line you will need two spaces before breaking the line or use a HTML <br> tag.

[Text](Link) → This is a special link tag that will work in multiple ways depending on the format of the link.

"https://web.url" Will link to a web page.

"page://path/to/" will point to another page in the book.

"menu://menu_id?type=tile" will render the menu with id menu_id as a Tiled menu. See images below for reference.

![Alternative Text](image://path/to/image.png) → Draws an image on the page. The image path will be assumed to be inside the book folder.

Example page

title: Example Title
icon: minecraft:emerald
    This is a group:
      - example/
      - example/
    Another one:
      - ./
      - ./
[First _menu_ name](menu://first-menu?type=tile)

## This is just a random header!
I can type [here](https://somewhereican.type) as much as _I want and stuff will_ appear ***in game*** because everything works great and is 100% bug free!

[**Second** menu](menu://second?type=list)

example page rendered ingame

Not implemented:

__ → Underline
~~ → Strike-through
~~~ → Shadow