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Stefano Pigozzi edited this page Apr 14, 2022 · 1 revision

The only supported installation method for Revenant's Brooch is via Docker, specifically, a Docker Compose file.

Using Docker Compose

  1. Create and open a new directory for your project:

    # mkdir /dock/brooch
    # cd /dock/brooch 
  2. In the Discord channel you want to receive messages in, create a new webhook:


  3. Create a docker-compose.yml file with the following contents, personalized with your data:

    version: "3.9"
        image: ""
        restart: always
          # Enter your STRATZ API JWT here
          # Obtain one at
          STRATZ_JWT: "__REDACTED__"
          # Enter the webhook URL you previously copied
          # Optionally append ?thread_id=CHANNELID to send all messages in a specific thread
          # The ID of the Guild to track matches of
          # Find your guild on STRATZ, then extract the numeric part
          FOLLOWED_GUILD_ID: "9257"
          # Logging configuration of the env_logging crate
          # Leave it as it is, or read for more information
          RUST_LOG: "revenants_brooch"
  4. Bring up the container using Docker Compose:

    # docker compose up -d && docker compose logs -f
  5. If everything seems ok, quit the logs with ^C. You're done!

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