# start up development server (yarn dev)
docker-compose up
# start up shell on running container
docker-compose exec node /bin/bash
# install dependencies
$ yarn install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ yarn dev
# build for production and launch server
$ yarn build
$ yarn start
# generate static project
$ yarn generate
# create database
sequelize db:create
# run migration
sequelize db:migrate
# run seeders
sequelize db:seed:all
# generate Sequelize model
sequelize model:generate --name Post --attributes title:string,body:string
# generate migration file
sequelize migration:generate --name add-index-to-posts
Express code sits in the /api
directory. Define new routes in /api/routes
and add them to the server in /api/index.js
This started also provides a CDK script to provision the app on AWS. To use:
- Enter Docker container:
docker-compose exec node /bin/bash
- Edit
and enter the account id, region and VPC id values - Set
in your environment - Deploy the app:
cdk deploy appProd