Created as part of the GMIT BSc(Honours) in Computing in Software Development, Emerging Technologies module.
A live version can be found on Heroku
Be aware, due to the use of free limited usage Google API keys, nearby places and their images may not load properly. These usage limits are refreshed after 24 hours. Additionally, devices and browsers supporting HTML with geolocation are required.
For security reasons, the Facebook OAuth Login-in system will not work on a build running on localhost. For this reason, to see all of the app's features, it is advised to use the hosted version on heroku
goEat is a service that provides a list of nearby places where you can get your mastication on. Using your current Geolocation, goEat finds restaurants and places providing takeaway and delivery options, that are within 10km of you.
The goEat API itself is written in Go using the Macaron Framework. It has been built and packaged for deployment to the Heroku PaaS, which relies on GoDep for package management. The API also serves a single page application(SPA) written in AngularJS, which uses the various endpoints that were designed around it. The goEatAPI uses the Google Places and Google Maps APIs for retrieving a list of nearby dining locations and directions to them, respectively. Interactions with Google Maps services are provided by the Go Client for Google Maps Services library. User's can sign up/in using their Facebook account if they want to keep track of favorites, or just blacklist that place down the street that doesn't know what "medium-rare" means.
It is assumed that:
- GO is properly installed in the environment that will be running the goEat! server.
- The user has adequate knowledge of Git
- The repository must be cloned into the Go workspace:
- Run "git clone" from the src folder in the Go workspace.
- The project must be compiled into an executable file
- Run "go build" from inside the goEatApi folder.
- Run the executable that was created
- goEatAPI.exe
An example request could be:
Which would return an array of Places, each roughly resembling the following:
"name":"Domino's Pizza - Galway - East",
"\u003ca href=\"\"\u003eDomino\u0026#39;s Pizza - Galway - East\u003c/a\u003e"
"vicinity":"16 Prospect Hill, Galway",
The directions endpoint consumes the user's current geolocation and the destination's Google Places ID. The API will return JSON in a format resembling the following:
"text":"1 m",
"text":"1 m",
"start_address":"Apartment 18, Teach Briota, Monivea Rd, Galway, Ireland",
"end_address":"Clayton Hotel Galway, Ballybrit, Galway, Ireland",
"copyrights":"Map data ©2016 Google",
User profile information is managed using the following endpoints:
Each provides one basic CRUD operation related to the user's favorites, history, and blacklist.
All current users can be requested as well, however this feature is mainly used for development and debugging purposes.
Individual users can be requested using
An example request could be:
This request passes the users Facebook id which is returned when they log into the app with Facebook. This request would return a Person object, which would look as follows:
"_id": {
"$oid": "583744fd36f40474fa835b41"
"name": "John Doe",
"fbpass": "10207337063731234",
"photo": "",
"favourites": [
"favname": "Kettle of Fish",
"favlatitude": "53.271752",
"favlongtitude": "-9.054240799999999",
"favphoto": "CoQBdwAAAGQUzmZT-h_piRRpo5Kn4AG8zO2Dw_nDF4tIo89-FZ0flAm8VA2N7Y4IzssvQxx-98HY933VI_JQt_UeJ8J6S1OunCe0_K-JyMvm3EUqch7uJtIcXorZBWQKTn9AB4VPj4Pg7mAUZy7UsuqwOkMDOG6Rt6yrTZ0ILz8b4s47GIZ3EhCorNciXPo9UrcPrPESdZRoGhS8u-zV2OxMz2LlNTK82Zp8aAtbdg",
"favid": "ChIJLZXH3vqWW0gRXbOmL5ql-DY"
"blacklist": [
"blname": "Clayton Hotel Galway",
"bllatitude": "53.291342",
"bllongtitude": "-8.989296999999999",
"blphoto": "CoQBdwAAAOR33ipVkpVwDYwVAAGFnVCnfohzyoEZxcNZhEFSyLelOsTzPkRGcBGS9Ivr6jCfJ3MKaV5A6r5Paz2abCAdo5bET8x6a8QSJaQurVJLy8OwA9_E_sJlXc0YF3LgRTsQQJSKBuMcuSMu5uDAIjpvISDmUj8t5IXsXY3AuDj5DfTBEhCqjfXbg1FNmiGUjnqWETpgGhSwqAgXHwULqwEiLldvZ7O-8cueCg",
"blid": "ChIJn_a2RkCRW0gRgEnIeIH0TGY"
"history": [
"hisname": "Front Door",
"hislatitude": "53.2715985",
"hislongtitude": "-9.0536359",
"hisphoto": "CoQBdwAAADDJn7m7kJJVjARtIqS6kA64BcmxxRde2XiMot7CL0g2iw-r-Xmtn-l8bVqt1viH7EVvS_DBKHAjTiId2i8S2ojChsSCOSwdk5uQH02Ls7ujSrt2wg2aYLtt88Zd5C89rQ14sUCF7AvfLCkcrReUactvCDNxiX7MGeFNM5yrXqPeEhAKfIUtZAgQUXTeAwlqqRdvGhS0IwM-4cMa7mShmKQk2YO-HWfC-A",
"hisid": "ChIJ_aKF2fqWW0gRDLLSSGNL_hc"
"hisname": "Garveys Inn",
"hislatitude": "53.274279",
"hislongtitude": "-9.047906",
"hisphoto": "CoQBdwAAAJ18XswqYMTHBflJBAa6h9WU7bmUgy30b8skgSTKk8aBU-jviSpizMarTESuDC3mDpxTqjGaYG3dPhEoRuDii9rfgIrcPEzebJ5HHN-yjPPWPIaDPAp_Sh6Jas766SmnuI9Trv7Of1FqvWVvmb9UthWWES07o2vf8x4pmkA16psUEhAFeR3o0yioe2xjr-zM7rSYGhTCaPfcfoKtl8N3x4HM11v-vcAOMA",
"hisid": "ChIJb7nd9OWWW0gRqXVx5z1QKUY"
"hisname": "Clayton Hotel Galway",
"hislatitude": "53.291342",
"hislongtitude": "-8.989296999999999",
"hisphoto": "CoQBdwAAANzQ_AxD_IR7Y4GIsoBe2IK0p8vbSpEOP-Y9rirFISnVYOqA4R2O6BlUn9akMqGTJOlu8UNHBF2Ak8WljfpbPoXNGidDLghY7kYTCzjtJ04IpWTxOQmBsKH8WuyKawK6XkSXMvr057Dk96Cnaaj_cqUm5SUSR06s9eqpF7J566WIEhDkzaEZqU3JbzJW3IVVwA__GhSF8HYG3-VUuUjVl9J_5YcEKxjiSA",
"hisid": "ChIJn_a2RkCRW0gRgEnIeIH0TGY"
An example request could be:
/returnFindPerson/10207337063737016/ChIJn_a2RkCRW0gRgEnIeIH0TGY/Clayton%20Hotel %20Galway/CoQBdwAAABfAQkmK-sGzXeyI2Zp_r_k_2qORTiJirPNssCbO0VnjdRN0LUEQU9yoJTcOrNHuvzlKoYoRZ6QT1UmmKSYLhpog_6ZcUeClBNMf4P72ypiPHw4C3FgdY_oHOLuFprN0Iz1OAIr7uZCl4bubJb9S5Ip8pVFdxWT4QVseMSnEbQOrEhCSOZm5WSpPl4w8IDp6em-uGhQE7ylnCD_Zy4ZPgOWcshnvkmVuyQ/53.291342/-8.989296999999999
This request passes the users Facebook id to find the correct document in MongoDB. This request searches for the user document and creates a new item in their history array containing the eatery id, name, photo reference, latitude and longtitude coordinates.
An example request could be:
This request passes the users Facebook id to find the correct document in MongoDB. This request searches for the user document and searches for the ID of all the locations stored in their favourites list for the specified ID and removes it.
A user account can be both created and logged in using
/accessKey/{Facebook user authentication code}
An example request could be:
Where EAANS5HMQGmMBAN58ZBRpLD1IhofOL is an authorization access key provided by's RESTful API The request uses the access key to login a user, or if the user is new to the app, it will create an account for them. The endpoint queries the Facebook API for basic personal information of the user, and stores it in MongoDB This request then returns the user id associated with the account. This looks like the following: