Visit ExchangeRate-API to get a free API key.
In terminal, use the below snippet to bootstrap a new ScaffoldEth project with the currency-conversion-extension
npx create-eth@latest -e rafaelcaso/currency-conversion-extension
You will be prompted for a project name and a choice of Hardhat or Foundry
After you've initialized your project
cd your-project-name
and install packages usingyarn install
Open the project in your editor of choice and navigate to
|-- packages
| |-- nextjs
and locate the file called .env.example
rename this to simply .env
Add your API key to the .env file using the exact variable name NEXT_PUBLIC_CURRENCY_API_KEY
Enter these commands in three different terminals
yarn chain
yarn deploy
yarn start
That's it! You can now open a web browser and go to localhost:3000 and see the project. In the header you will find the 'Currency' tab which has a simple input to easily convert between over 150 currencies
PLEASE NOTE - ExchangeRate-API provides a free key for once-daily conversion rates. To gain access to more frequent updates, you will need to purchase a pro membership.
The Currency Conversion Extension is designed to only call the API when there are updated rates available and cache results to prevent redundant API calls.