Parflow-interface is a Matlab code design to to perform simulation on Parflow using Matlab as an interface to set parameter and data file. It also read the output and can plot some feature.
- code: This is the core code of the interface
- manual: Here are some manual I found (and one I wrote) to help to start with Parflow
- simulations: These are some exemple of simulations I run with Parflow-interface.
- Install Paflow on your system
- Create a new simulation
- Copy a "global_script.m" to your new simulation folder
- Set up and run your new global_script in matlab
- More than happy if someone want to use it. It's not very optimized or tested. I doubt it's very useful...
- Raphael Nussbaumer (rafnuss@gmail.com)
- This was created part of my Master Thesis from Imperial College London while Iwas hosted at University of Saskatewan.