The yaml-merge CLI allows you to merge multiple YAML files into a single file.
The yaml-merge CLI reads one or more YAML files and merges them into a single YAML file. The merged YAML file contains all the key-value pairs from the input files. If there are any conflicts between the keys, the value from the last input file takes precedence.
Check our release page to download a specific version
# Fetch the latest release version from Github API
VERSION=$(curl --silent "" | grep '"tag_name":' | sed -E 's/.*"([^"]+)".*/\1/')
# Set the URL of the tarball for the latest release
# Download and install the latest release
curl -L ${URL} | tar xz
chmod +x ym
sudo mv ym /usr/local/bin/
brew tap RaftechNL/toolbox
brew install raftechnl/toolbox/ym
To merge two YAML files (file1.yaml and file2.yaml) and save the result to a new file (merged.yaml), run:
ym -i file1.yaml -i file2.yaml -o merged.yaml
This command reads the input YAML files (file1.yaml and file2.yaml), merges them into a single YAML file, and saves the result to a new file (merged.yaml).
If you want to merge three or more YAML files, simply add more -i options to the command:
ym -i file1.yaml -i file2.yaml -i file3.yaml -o merged.yaml
This command reads the input YAML files (file1.yaml, file2.yaml, and file3.yaml), merges them into a single YAML file, and saves the result to a new file (merged.yaml).
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