This is a jQuery plugin to make an html element sticky from a point on the page when scrolling down.
You can send an email to with subject sticky-help if you need any help or if you got any suggestions or bug reports.
top: default -> 0, how far from the top do you want the element (string in px or % OR you can specify an class or id of an element to autocalculate the top from that element)
left: default -> autoload, this is the left sticky position of the item (integer values only)
originalWidth: default -> autoload, this is the original width you want the item to fall to (it will not get bigger than this). default: itemWidth (integer values only)
background: default -> transparent unless you specify a hashed color code eg. #ffffff for white
layer: default -> 99, the z-index for this layer when it becomes sticky
stopAt: default -> false, set a value for the scroller to stop scrolling at. (integer values only)
parentStyles: default -> empty object. specify css styles to apply to the parent object at the time the item becomes sticky.
itemStyles: default empty object. specify css styles to apply to the item when it becomes sticky
childrenStyles: default -> empty object. specify css styles to apply to the item children when the item becomes sticky
responsive: default -> true, set this to false if you want to disable the default responsive functionality
debug: default -> false, set to true if you want to see a log of information in the browser console
Basic Init:
top: '10px',
left: 'autoload',
background: '#ffffff',
stopAt: false, // default: false -> hide the element when it reaches this position.
originalWidth: 'autoload',
parentStyles: {}, // extend styles for the parent element
itemStyles: {}, // extend styles for the item element
childrenStyles: {} // extend styles for the children element(s)
Default HTML Markup:
<div id="sticky-item">
Best Practice:
Remember to wrap your call in a DOM Ready event.
huh, wtf you talking about?
/*sticky code here*/
top: '10px',
left: 'autoload',
background: '#ffffff',
stopAt: false, // default: false -> hide the element when it reaches this position.
originalWidth: 'autoload',
parentStyles: {}, // extend styles for the parent element
itemStyles: {}, // extend styles for the item element
childrenStyles: {} // extend styles for the children element(s)