List of scripts:
- Create $HOME/.local/bin/ folder (if it doesn't exist already).
mkdir $HOME/.local/bin/
- Make sure the folder is added to $PATH (check .bashrc/.bash_profile/.bash_login/.profile)
export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin/:$PATH"
Clone the repo in $HOME/.local/bin/ (directory for user binaries).
Navigate to the cloned repo and add executable permission to commands.
chmod +x go
only the bash files with executable permissions will be able to run
- Go to ~/ (home directory).
- Open .bashrc file with admin privilages using sudo or su.
- Find alias in .bashrc
- Add the following alias
alias go='. go'
This is used when you want to load environment variables, functions, or aliases into your current shell session. It allows you to modify the current shell's environment directly without needing to create a separate subshell.
Helps create, delete and view path book marks in terminal.
Make sure the BM_data.txt and path_data.txt are present in the same directory as go file, and they have read/write permissions
To add a book mark 'bm' to the 'path', navigate to 'path' and execute go with 'new' option the following command:
go new <bookmark>
Lists all the book marks along with their respective paths
go ls
Removes book mark and its path
go rm <bookmark>
This will set a bookmark 'bm' to the present working director (path). To jump to 'path' simply write:
go <bookmark>/<path>
Above command will take you to the 'path' and it will also list the contents of the directory by default. To navigate to subfolders use '/<path>'. Avoid nameing book marks as keywords as good practice, but if you are using keyword as book mark, distinction will be made on the basis of / symbol.
This script help you create, edit, delete and view notes in bash terminal.
Make sure to have Notes directory in the same directory as nts file
To create a new note with 'name' title and 'data' content:
nts new -t name -m data
If no name of message is given nts reads it separately.
To delete a note use:
nts rm -t (to delete note with specific title)
nts rm -a (to delete all notes)
We have a bunch of computers connected to the server in CC-Lab, this script make wakeonlan easier on those PCs
Make sure to have ADDR_DATA.txt in the same directory as rmt file
To edit a note:
nts edit -t titleOfTheNote
To view contents of a note:
nts show -t titleOfTheNote
nts show -l (to view all notes)
nts show -l (to view all notes with last modified date)