Improve simplicity and efficiency of the Scrollback codebase. Make it better suited for scaling up HeyNeighbor and other similar apps.
- Refactoring of modules in line with single responsibility
- Client-server communication using setstate and statechange
- Distributed architecture using Postgres listen/notify
- Common cache implementation for both client and server
- Real and perceived performance
- Scalability
- Faster development of other features
- Faster on-boarding of new developers
Base class for texts, threads, rooms, topics and privchats.
type: (text/thread/room/topic/privchat)
parentId: { parentType: <id> or [<ids>] }
count: { countType: <number> }
This is a dependency for the changes below.
user: (<userId>/<userIdentity>)
role: (banned/none/visitor/mentioned/follower/moderator/owner)
status: (writing/reading/online/reachable/offline)
intent: (downvote/mute/upvote)
interest: <number between 0 and 100>
reputation: <number between 0 and 100>
Enables the following features:
- “Heart” text or thread
- Flag a text or thread as offensive
- Mute thread
- Ban user from thread
- “Someone is typing”
- Invite non-users
- More relevant notifications
- Organizes texts in threads or privchats, threads in rooms and topics
- Organizes rooms and topics in hierarchies (Apartment > Locality > City)
Allows display of:
- Thread, follower and online counts in room/topic listings
- Number of hearts on a text or thread
- Interest and reputation scores to improve notification relevance
- Track private messages without replies
- Gamification: show total “hearts” received on profile
- Experience points on profile
- App-level bans (permanent and time-bound)
- Cap on number of rooms user is allowed to follow
- Custom cap on private messages w/o replies
- Improves server scalability through partial retrieval of relations and notifications
- Sort threads by “liveness” score, f(startTime, updateTime, upvotes)
- Sort text search results by f(recency, relevance)
- Performance improvements
- User/Room delete/rename