This project demonstrates how to blink an LED using an AVR microcontroller, emulated with QEMU. The LED blink is simulated by printing "LED Blink" to the terminal. The code is written for the ATmega328P microcontroller, commonly used in the Arduino UNO.
: The source code for blinking the
: The compiled ELF
: The HEX file generated from the ELF file for use with QEMU.
: AVR GCC compileravr-objcopy
: Utility to convert ELF to HEXqemu-system-avr
: QEMU emulator for AVR microcontrollers
Clone the Repository
git clone cd LED_Blink_AVR
Compile the Source Code
mkdir -p build
avr-gcc -mmcu=atmega328p -DF_CPU=16000000UL -Os -o build/main.elf src/main.c
avr-objcopy -O ihex build/main.elf build/main.hex
3.Run the Emulation
qemu-system-avr -M arduino-uno -bios build/main.hex -serial stdio
or, for non-graphical output:
qemu-system-avr -M arduino-uno -kernel build/main.elf -serial stdio -nographic