---- IN PROGRESS ----
I'm currently🔭 working on a pokemon web application game that mimics the original top-down pokemon gamesthat nintendo has created in the past. I am also working on a spotify playlist generator for daring music listeners that want to try out new music. Both projects will be soon released in Fall 2022!! -👨🏾💻 I'm currently working as a Software Developer Intern at Verizon, where I work and develop digital content using C# and Solidity to create utility NFT Tokens and smart contracts for Verizon's private blockchain server. Currently I collaborate with Razer and Hi-Rez to bring enhanced mobile experience to users. I work in the R&D team😄, so I'm always learning new technology!⚡
🌱 I’m currently learning javascript and frameworks such as three.js and vue.js. I am also learning how to use tensorflow and other AI/ML algorithms and content.
📫 How to reach me: You can reach out to me at nalam.4@buckeyemail.osu.edu
📜 You can view my past work history on my LinkedIn profile.
I also worked on Variefy, a Spotify playlist generator app that recommends new and unfamiliar music that is similar to your current music taste using K-Means machine learning algorithm and the Spotify API!
Please feel free to reach out to me anytime, always looking for new oppurtunities and ways to collaborate!👯
One thing that I want to clarify is that this github profile is different from others, as a 👨💼business enthusiast I like to showcase my quantitative 💵trading abilities! I am also decentralized so basically I am an open book, you can check out a repo with my stock portfolio!
11/15/2022 -> Sold 1 call option (SPY) -> Profit: $158
11/15/2022 -> Bought 1 call option (RIVN) -> Loss: $100
11/16/2022 -> Bought 1 put option (COIN) -> Profit: $240
11/21/2022 -> Bought 1 put option (UNITY) and put option (COIN) -> Profit: $85 + Loss: $130
11/22/2022 -> Bought 1 call option (SPY) -> Profit: $123
11/23/2022 -> Bought 2 call option (DELL) and 3 call option (SPY) -> Profit: $198 + $105
11/28/2022 -> Bought 2 put option (COIN) -> Sold 2 put options -> Profit: $96
11/30/2022 -> Bought 2 call option (GOOGL) -> Sold 2 call options -> Profit: $1,086
12/30/2022 -> Bouht 2 put option (COIN) -> Sold 2 put options -> Profit $104