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RaiMan's Stuff SikuliX 1.1.2 [repository frozen per 2018-03-10]

1.1.2 is a bug-fix release for problems with version 1.1.1

The followup is SikuliX1 SikuliX 1.1.3+

get sikulixapi.jar from MavenCentral

The coordinates:


You might also visit the WIKI

The Java language and bytecode versions are at 1.8, so the nightly artifacts at least need Java 8.
If you want to build from theses sources here, you need Java 9

BE AWARE: When using with Java 9 - Please report any problems

I have tried to make SikuliX 1.1.2+ runnable on Java 9 (always have a setup with the latest nightly)

Status with Travis build 106 - surely not tested everything

In doubt it is a good idea to run things from command line using

java -Dsikuli.Debug=3 -jar ((sikulix.jar or whatever app using sikulixapi.jar))

... and have a deeper look at the debug output in case.

  • setup should work (JRuby test switched off)

  • IDE principally works - be pepared for quirks though

  • builtin JRuby 9.1+ may not work in all aspects, try external JRuby in case

  • usage of sikulixapi in maven project seems to work

  • class org.sikuli.idesupport.IDEMacSupport only compiles in Java 9

If you want to test the head of developement without the need to build from sources:
look here at the page with the nightly builds
At your own risk ;-) Take care for your existing work - be prepared to restore your stuff!!

SikuliX is completely free Open Source in all aspects - see details

... based on Sikuli Script that was discontinued mid 2012 - see the sources

This Maven multi-module setup contains everything ...

... to build the ready-to-use SikuliX packages as they are available on Launchpad

It is highly recommended to first look through this README, before clicking around

Forking and/or downloading this repo only makes sense:

  • if you want to get a knowledge about the internals of Sikuli
  • if you want to create your own packages containing Sikuli features
  • if you want to contribute.

To get the ready-to-use packages (IDE, Script, Java/Jython support)
it is still recommended to start here.

Usage docs now on ReadTheDocs (work in progress)

Tools I use for developement:
IDE with Maven and GitHub support: IntelliJ IDEA CE (using Java 7 and 8)
Doc Service: Read the Docs
Build support: Travis CI WebSite Services: Host Europe

The structure of this repo

Each folder (module) in this repo is a Maven project by itself with its own POM, but it needs to be in this folder and POM structure, since there is a super POM on the first level, that is the parent POM for all the other child POMs and installs all modules into your local Maven repo. For detailed usage information look further below.

--- The top level modules (representing the Sikuli features) ---

Module sikulixapi (folder API) (sikulixapi.jar)

package org.sikuli.script

The Java implementation comprising the API to access the top elements (Screen, Region, Pattern, Match, Image, ...) and their methods allowing to search for images and to act on points and matches simulating mouse and keyboard.

The ready-to-use package sikulixapi.jar provides this API for Java programming and any Java aware scripting languages.

package org.sikuli.basics

Implements basic utility and helper features used in the top level packages (basic file and folder handling, download features, jar access and handling, export of native libraries, parameter and preferences handling, update and extension handling, ...) and hence it is contained in all packages.

package org.sikuli.natives

Contains the Java sources interface classes (JNI based, mainly SWIG generated) providing the implementation of the OpenCV and Tesseract usage and the implementation of some system specific features (HotKeyHandling, App class support,...).

package org.opencv. ...

Sikuli's image search is based on features of OpenCV. Starting with version 2.4.6 OpenCV provides a self-contained JNI interface to the OpenCV native libraries, allowing to use OpenCV features directly in Java (and hence making C++ programming obsolete for this).

This module contains a specially configured Java/JNI OpenCV package (built using the standard OpenCV configure/make workflow) for use with the OpenCV features currently needed by Sikuli (core, imgproc, feature2d and highgui). The corresponding native library pack (currently Mac only) is contained in the module Libs.

For Windows and Mac the native packages will again be pre-built and ready-to-use. For Linux there will be advices and scripts available to get the needed libraries ready.

Module sikulixide (folder IDE) (sikulix.jar)

Implements a GUI using Java, that allows to edit and run Sikuli scripts (currently Jython and JRuby are supported). It is an easy to use IDE focusing on the handling of the screenshots and images used in the typical Sikuli workflows.

The package sikulix.jar is the top level package containing all other options (hence the follow up of sikuli-ide.jar known from former releases).

After setup this package sikulix.jar contains the selected scripting interpreter(s) (Jython and/or JRuby), thus allowing to run Sikuli scripts out of the box from the commandline and providing interactive Sikuli aware scripting shells (hence it includes the functionality known from the sikuli-script.jar of former Sikuli(X) releases and is used the same way).

In all cases the Jython and JRuby jar packages are loaded from MavenCentral if needed.

If you want to experiment with the special JRuby support (rSpec, cucumber, ...) you have to look into the modules JRubyAddOns and JRubyGem. Both have to be built manually if needed (not contained in the local developement build).

The SikuliX-IDE will not get any fixes or improvements anymore past version 1.1.1 (as of May 2017).

Version 2 will use a different approach based on an available editor package (probably JEdit).

--- The helper/utility modules (intended for internal and/or developement use only) ---

Module Setup

It produces the fat jar sikulixsetup.jar being the root downloadable artefact. It is needed to setup the SikuliX packages to be used on the local systems. Though the preferred setup is to let setup download the needed stuff on the fly, there is the possibility to run setup completely local/offline after having downloaded the needed stuff manually (look here ...)

Usage - basic information

If you intend to compile and build the modules after having downloaded this repo, you should have a valid Maven 3 installation and for editing, testing and integration some IDE, that is enabled for working with Maven projects and has support for Git repositories (I myself use NetBeans 8, which supports both out of the box).

Look here for a guide, how to get on the road with this project using NetBeans.

Take care Even if you only want to work on one of the modules (e.g. API), the modules should not be moved around, but stay in the structure of the downloaded repo. Each module depends on the parent POM in the root as well as the ready-to-use-jar-production POMs, that additionally depend on the assembly descriptors.

--- Mandatory first step

In the root directory of the repo run
mvn clean install
which builds all modules and installs the artifacts into your local Maven repository.

Be aware This mandatory first step will add "tons" of additional stuff from Maven Central repository to your local Maven repository, especially when you are a first time Maven user.

More details for Maven aspects you can find here ...

--- How to produce the ready to use jars ---

... sikulix.jar and sikulixapi.jar

please look here