Real-Time Chat App with React and Google Firebase - Connection with Email, Github, Facebook or Google
April 2020
🔨 Chat made with React using Google Firebase as DB to store messages and for the connection (sign up / log in) . From CSS Tricks 'Building a Real-Time Chat App with React and Firebase'.
See the demo on Heroku.
Sign Up
- /components: contains reusable widgets used in different pages (footer, header)
- /helpers: a set of reusable functions (auth, db)
- /pages: the app views (Home, Signup, Login, Chat)
- /services: third-party services that we’re using (Firebase)
- App.js: the root component
- Clone the local-version branch
- Update node_modules:
npm install
- To run:
npm start
- Open the app using http://localhost:3000/
See the demo on Heroku.
- Building a Real-Time Chat App with React and Firebase
- Building a Real-Time Chat App with React and Firebase: Github sources
- What are Higher-Order Components (HOCs) in React?
- The Circle of a React Lifecycle
- Github: Register a new OAuth application
- Facebook for developers
- Firebase: Allow creation of multiple accounts with the same email address
- Deploy Your React App To Heroku