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We have several projects that use a django-fullstack, which is very impressive and makes it easy for us to connect the frontend and backend. Next, we want to make our django-fullstack usable by many other frontend frameworks or create one that can be chosen among them. We are also continuously developing all our projects well and consistently asking our team to look for any flaws in our django-fullstack.

  • Flexsibel : flexsibel to coding and easy
  • easy to build : easy to build frontend & backend
  • support django 5.0 : support django 5.0 and async django
  • django friendly : you can integration django and frontend
  • Fast To code : simple code and create new project fast


  • python >= 3.9 < 3.13
  • django >= 3.0 < 6.0
  • django-fullstack >= 0.1.0 < 2.0.0


how to install django-fullstack

1. install using pip

pip install django-fullstack

or install using poetry

poetry add django-fullstack

how to create project django-fullstack

command using django-fullstack

django-fullstack startproject name-project

command using django

django-admin startproject name-project

setup to

Add to on your project

 # For Setting Django Fullstack
        "RENDER": {
            "INDEX": "index.html",
            "URL_SSR": "http://localhost:13714",
            "ENABLED_SSR": False,
        "TEMPLATE": {
            "SERVER_PROTOCOL": "http",
            "DEV_SERVER_HOST": "localhost",
            "DEV_SERVER_PORT": 5173,
            "WS_CLIENT_URL": "@vite/client",
            "ASSETS_PATH": "static/dist",
            "STATIC_URL_PREFIX": "", # add if you prefix your url stactic
        "STATIC_ROOT": "static",

make your app react or vue

generate your file react or vue

django-fullstack create-app vue #use --typescript for using typescript
django-fullstack create-app react #use --typescript for using typescript

Install frontend

this command to install package frontend support nodejs v16 - v20 and npm > v9

npm install 
yarn install
pnpm install

run you server

To run the backend and frontend simultaneously, you need to run both by opening two terminals, one for Django and the other for the frontend. Once they are running, you can open your browser using http://localhost:8000 or 1. using python

python runserver

or using pypy3

pypy3 -m runserver

run frontend

npm run dev

visit your host django http://localhost:8000 or


if you want to display image or other file in a non-conventional way react and vue, the use folowing :

Image and other file

<img className="w-full lg:w-[60%]" src="/static/image/image.jpg" alt="bla bla"

Production your project

  1. build your frontend
npm run build
yarn run build
pnpm run build
  1. debug your django in
DEBUG = False
  1. make your project to collectstatic
python collectstaic
pypy -m collectstatic

thanks you for support