- Blogster is a feature-rich full stack blog web app that offers a seamless and secure blogging experience.
- Users can create posts on Blogster by selecting from the available categories created by the admin. This categorization allows for a structured and organized presentation of content, enhancing user experience and making it easier for readers to discover articles that align with their interests.
- Users can like or dislike posts, providing valuable feedback to the bloggers. Additionally, readers can leave comments on posts, fostering discussions and enabling meaningful conversations within the community.
Authentication and Authorization: One of the key features of Blogster is its robust authentication system. Users can securely register and login into their accounts, ensuring that their personal information is protected. Additionally, Blogster implements authorization to control access to certain features, ensuring that only authorized users can perform specific actions.
Account Verification using Email: To ensure the authenticity of user accounts, Blogster incorporates an account verification process using email. Upon clicking on verify link, users receive a verification email containing a unique link. By clicking on this link, users verify their email address, adding an extra layer of security and trust to the platform.
Admin Dashboard: Blogster includes an intuitive admin dashboard that empowers administrators to manage the platform effectively. Admins have the ability to create categories for blogs, allowing for easy organization and navigation of posts. This feature ensures that bloggers can easily find relevant content and readers can explore topics of interest.
Post Creation and Categorization: Users can create posts on Blogster by selecting from the available categories created by the admin. This categorization allows for a structured and organized presentation of content, enhancing user experience and making it easier for readers to discover articles that align with their interests.
Engagement Features: Blogster offers various engagement features to encourage interaction between users. Users can like or dislike posts, providing valuable feedback to the bloggers. Additionally, readers can leave comments on posts, fostering discussions and enabling meaningful conversations within the community.
Social Interactions: To enhance networking capabilities, Blogster incorporates features like follow and unfollow, allowing users to connect with other bloggers and stay updated with their latest posts. Furthermore, users can block and unblock other users, providing control over their interactions and maintaining a positive environment within the platform.
Profanity Detection: Blogster takes user experience and content quality seriously. To ensure a friendly and respectful environment, a profanity detection feature is implemented. This functionality automatically detects and flags any inappropriate language or offensive words in blog posts or comments, allowing administrators to take appropriate action.
Password encryption: User passwords are securely encrypted before they are stored in the database. This ensures that both regular users and even administrators don't have the ability to access or retrieve users' actual passwords. As a result, even if the database is compromised, the passwords will remain safe and secure.
Password encryption: User passwords are securely encrypted before they are stored in the database. This ensures that both regular users and even administrators don't have the ability to access or retrieve users' actual passwords. As a result, even if the database is compromised, the passwords will remain safe and secure.
Client: React, Redux, Tailwind CSS, HTML, JavaScript.
Server: Node, Express.
Database: MongoDb.
Install my-project
use git clone command to clone my project repository
To install dependencies of the project
cd frontend, yarn install , cd ../backend yarn install
To Run this app in development mode
cd backend, yarn run server, cd ../frontend npm run dev
What challenges did you face and how did you overcome them? Developing a full-stack blog application requires navigating through various challenges, ranging from managing image uploads and email communication to integrating distinct account features. By leveraging cloud storage solutions, email delivery services, and well-structured backend APIs, you can overcome these hurdles and deliver a polished application that meets the needs of your users. Remember that each challenge presents an opportunity for growth and learning, ultimately leading to a more refined and user-friendly blog application.
I am a full-stack developer with a primary focus on frontend development. I have experience working with the MERN stack for web development. I have solved 200+ questions across multiple platforms such as gfg, coding ninjas and leetcode. Currently, I am focusing on improving my problem-solving skills.
Javascript, HTML, CSS, React.js, Node.js, MongoDb, Express.js, Firebase, Redux toolkit, git and gitHub, MUI...
For support, email rakhshancoder@gmail.com.