Blue Hook is an open source project dedicated to being able to send webhook's to discord's webhook service with an easy to use GUI
a webhook is a custom URL which acts as a gateway between any kind of service (script, website, etc) and discord channels.
by sending data to the custom URL we can get discord to display a message in a discord channel.
read more about webhooks here.
by using Blue Hook's easy to use GUI you are able to send highly customized messages to the channel.
- Windows
- send normal text message or embed to custom webhook URL
- really customizable embed
- custom author element
- custom name
- add URL to name (name required)
- add icon
- custom title element
- custom title
- add URL to title (title required)
- custom description
- custom embed color (HEX format)
- custom thumbnail image URL
- custom field element
- custom field name (can be empty)
- custom field value (can be empty)
- field inline toggle
- add/remove multiple field elements
- custom image URL
- custom footer element
- custom footer text
- custom footer icon
- toggle footer timestamp
- custom author element
- save webhook content as draft to JSON file