Here is basic range slider supported in Angular version 2 & 4 without angular material.
Download custom-range-slider folder
Include the component CustomRangeSliderComponent in AppModule declarations
Use it in any component as
workWageSlider: object = {
min: 1,
max: 1000,
start: 500,
thumbShow: true,
barColor: "",
dotColor: "",
thumbColor: "",
filledBarColor: "",
barWidth: "",
selectCallBack: this.selectCallBack.bind(this)
The above object shows the configuration of the slider
min: number - minimum value on the slider
max: number - maximum value on the slider
start: number - starting value of the thumb
thumbShow: boolean - whether thumb should be shown or not
barColor: string - color of the bar
dotColor: string - color of the movable dot
thumbColor: string - color of the thumb
filledBarColor: string - color of the filled/selected portion
barWidth: number - width of the slider bar
selectCallBack: function - callback function to execute on slider value selection. This will return selected percentage. Use this value in your code.
Pass the configuration object to slider component as an input as shown below
<app-custom-range-slider [sliderConfig]="workWageSlider"></app-custom-range-slider>