Basically the same reporter as mocha's xunit reporter, but writes the output to a file.
npm install xunit-file --save-dev
Run mocha with -R xunit-file
or --reporter xunit-file
The xunit.xml output is saved in process.cwd()/xunit.xml
by default.
To change the output and activate terminal output, you can create a config.json
, or use environment variables.
"file" : "xunit.xml",
"consoleOutput" : {
"suite" : true,
"test" : true,
"fail" : false
environment variables
$ XUNIT_FILE=output/xunit.xml mocha -R xunit-file // writes result to output/xunit.xml
$ LOG_XUNIT=true mocha -R xunit-file // activates terminal output
Set XUNIT_LOG_ENV environment variable, if you want the output process and environment variables in the properties section of the xml file.
$ XUNIT_LOG_ENV=true mocha -R xunit-file
Add the following to the xml report.
<property name="process.arch" value="x64"/>
<property name="process.platform" value="win32"/>
<property name="process.memoryUsage" value="[ rss: '26570752', heapTotal: '17734144', heapUsed: '8982088']"/>
<property name="process.cwd" value="D:\Dev\Demo\git\Demo\DemoApp\build\jsTest"/>
<property name="process.execPath" value="D:\Dev\Demo\git\Demo\DemoApp\build\nodeJs\node-v0.11.10-windows-x64\bin\node.exe"/>
<property name="process.version" value="v0.11.10"/>
<property name="process.versions" value="[ http_parser: '2.2', node: '0.11.10', v8: '', uv: '0.11.17', zlib: '1.2.3', modules: '13', openssl: '1.0.1e']"/>
<property name="process.env.NODE_PATH" value="D:\Dev\Demo\git\Demo\DemoApp\build\jsTest\node_modules"/>
<property name="process.env.SUITE_NAME" value="jsTest.myTest"/>
<property name="process.env.XUNIT_FILE" value="D:\Dev\Demo\git\Demo\DemoApp\build\test-results\TEST-jsTest.myTest.xml"/>
<property name="process.env.LOG_XUNIT" value="undefined"/>
This reporter is just the original xunit reporter from mocha only writing the result in an xml file.