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walkawayy edited this page Sep 21, 2021 · 7 revisions

Back to Pokemon Learnsets

← HoOh    Leafeon →


Version Type Abilities HP Atk Def SAt SDf Speed Egg Groups
Faithful Psychic, Grass Natural Cure, Natural Cure, Natural Cure 100 100 100 100 100 100 None, None
Modified Grass, Fairy Natural Cure, Natural Cure, Magic Guard --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Level Move
1 Leech Seed
1 Confusion
1 Recover
1 Metronome
10 Safeguard
19 Energy Ball
28 Ancientpower
37 Baton Pass
46 Moonblast
55 Light Screen
64 Future Sight
73 Heal Bell
82 Nasty Plot
91 Perish Song
100 Aura Sphere
--- ---
TM Aerial Ace
TM Calm Mind
TM Curse
TM Cut
TM Dazzlingleam
TM Double Edge
TM Double Team
TM Earth Power
TM Energy Ball
TM Facade
TM Flash
TM Giga Drain
TM Giga Impact
TM Hidden Power
TM Hyper Beam
TM Light Screen
TM Protect
TM Psychic
TM Rain Dance
TM Reflect
TM Rest
TM Return
TM Safeguard
TM Sandstorm
TM Shadow Ball
TM Sleep Talk
TM Solar Beam
TM Substitute
TM Sunny Day
TM Swift
TM Swords Dance
TM Thunder Wave
TM Toxic
TM U Turn
TM Water Pulse
--- ---
Move Tutor Defense Curl
Move Tutor Dream Eater
Move Tutor Endure
Move Tutor Seed Bomb
Move Tutor Skill Swap
Move Tutor Sucker Punch
Move Tutor Swagger
Move Tutor Trick
Move Tutor Zen Headbutt

← HoOh    Leafeon →

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