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← Drowzee    Krabby →


Version Type Abilities HP Atk Def SAt SDf Spd Egg Groups
Faithful Psychic Insomnia, Forewarn, Inner Focus 85 73 70 73 115 67 Humanshape, Humanshape
Modified --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Level Move
1 Tackle
1 Hypnosis
5 Disable
9 Confusion
13 Headbutt
17 Low Kick
21 Calm Mind
25 Psybeam
29 Tri Attack
33 Barrier
37 Belly Drum
41 Zen Headbutt
45 Swagger
49 Psychic M
53 Nasty Plot
57 Toxic
61 Future Sight
--- ---
TM Attract
TM Calm Mind
TM Curse
TM Dazzlingleam
TM Double Team
TM Drain Punch
TM Dynamicpunch
TM Facade
TM Flash
TM Focus Blast
TM Giga Impact
TM Hidden Power
TM Hyper Beam
TM Light Screen
TM Protect
TM Psychic
TM Rain Dance
TM Reflect
TM Rest
TM Return
TM Rock Smash
TM Safeguard
TM Shadow Ball
TM Sleep Talk
TM Substitute
TM Sunny Day
TM Thief
TM Thunder Wave
TM Toxic
TM Zap Cannon
--- ---
Move Tutor Body Slam
Move Tutor Counter
Move Tutor Double Edge
Move Tutor Dream Eater
Move Tutor Endure
Move Tutor Fire Punch
Move Tutor Headbutt
Move Tutor Ice Punch
Move Tutor Seismic Toss
Move Tutor Skill Swap
Move Tutor Swagger
Move Tutor Thunderpunch
Move Tutor Trick
Move Tutor Zen Headbutt
--- ---
Egg Move Feint Attack
Egg Move Extrasensory
Egg Move Charm
Egg Move Energy Ball
Egg Move Roar
Egg Move Feint Attack
Egg Move Extrasensory
Egg Move Charm
Egg Move Ice Beam
Egg Move Roar
Egg Move Nasty Plot
Egg Move Pursuit
Egg Move Quick Attack
Egg Move Zen Headbutt
Egg Move Brave Bird
Egg Move Amnesia
Egg Move Leer
Egg Move Night Slash
Egg Move Psybeam
Egg Move Ice Beam
Egg Move Light Screen
Egg Move Psychic M
Egg Move Healinglight
Egg Move Thrash
Egg Move Quick Attack
Egg Move Extremespeed
Egg Move Play Rough
Egg Move Healinglight
Egg Move Thrash
Egg Move Quick Attack
Egg Move Psybeam
Egg Move Psychic M
Egg Move Extremespeed
Egg Move Play Rough
Egg Move Nasty Plot
Egg Move Trick

← Drowzee    Krabby →

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