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Merge pull request DiversityTemplating#3 from DiversityTemplating/cache
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jonas hadin committed Sep 22, 2014
2 parents 6fe2cd7 + d0e859e commit 93769d2
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Showing 7 changed files with 304 additions and 49 deletions.
65 changes: 40 additions & 25 deletions src/component_handler.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,46 +25,61 @@ handle(Req, State=#state{}) ->
handle_get(Req, _State=#state{}) ->
{PathInfo, Req2} = cowboy_req:path_info(Req),
{ComponentName, Req3} = cowboy_req:binding(component, Req2),
Tags = git_utils:tags(ComponentName),
Tags = divapi_cache:get_tags(ComponentName),
{ok, Req4} =
case PathInfo of
[] ->
cowboy_req:reply(200, ?JSON_HEADER, jiffy:encode(Tags), Req3);
[<<"*">>] ->
Tag = find_latest_tag(Tags),
Data = git_utils:get_diversity_json(ComponentName, Tag),
cowboy_req:reply(200, ?JSON_HEADER, Data, Req3);
[Tag] ->
Data = case lists:member(Tag, Tags) of
true ->
git_utils:get_diversity_json(ComponentName, Tag);
false ->
PatchNr = find_latest_patch(Tag, Tags),
TagWithPatch = <<Tag/binary, ".", PatchNr/binary>>,
%% Ensure that it's an valid tag
true = lists:member(TagWithPatch, Tags),
git_utils:get_diversity_json(ComponentName, TagWithPatch)
cowboy_req:reply(200, ?JSON_HEADER, Data, Req3);
[Tag, Settings]
when Settings =:= <<"settings">>;
Settings =:= <<"settingsForm">> ->
Json = git_utils:get_diversity_json(ComponentName, Tag),
{DiversityData} = jiffy:decode(Json),
SettingsBinary = proplists:get_value(Settings, DiversityData, {[]}),
SettingsJson = jiffy:encode(SettingsBinary),
cowboy_req:reply(200, ?JSON_HEADER, SettingsJson, Req3);
[PartialTag | Routes] ->
Tag = expand_tag(PartialTag, Tags),
case Routes of
[] ->
Data = divapi_cache:get_diversity_json(ComponentName, Tag),
case Data of
undefined -> cowboy_req:reply(404, Req3);
_ -> cowboy_req:reply(200, ?JSON_HEADER, Data, Req3)
[Settings] when Settings =:= <<"settings">>;
Settings =:= <<"settingsForm">> ->
Json = divapi_cache:get_diversity_json(ComponentName, Tag),
{DiversityData} = jiffy:decode(Json),
SettingsBinary = proplists:get_value(Settings, DiversityData, {[]}),
SettingsJson = jiffy:encode(SettingsBinary),
cowboy_req:reply(200, ?JSON_HEADER, SettingsJson, Req3);
[<<"files">> | Path] ->
File = filename:join(Path),
FileData = git_utils:get_file(ComponentName, undefined, Tag, File),
{Mime, Type, []} = cow_mimetypes:all(File),
Header = [{<<"content-type">>, << Mime/binary, "/", Type/binary >>}],
cowboy_req:reply(200, Header, FileData, Req3);
_ ->
cowboy_req:reply(404, Req3)

_ ->
cowboy_req:reply(404, Req3)
{ok, Req4}.

expand_tag(<<"*">>, Tags) -> find_latest_tag(Tags);
expand_tag(Tag, Tags) ->
case lists:member(Tag, Tags) of
true ->
false ->
PatchNr = find_latest_patch(Tag, Tags),
<<Tag/binary, ".", PatchNr/binary>>

handle_post(Req, _State=#state{}) ->
{ComponentName, Req2} = cowboy_req:binding(component, Req),
{PathInfo, Req3} = cowboy_req:path_info(Req2),
case PathInfo of
[<<"update">>] ->

cowboy_req:reply(200, ?JSON_HEADER, <<"Updated">>, Req3);
_ ->
cowboy_req:reply(404, Req3)
Expand Down
20 changes: 10 additions & 10 deletions src/component_list_handler.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ handle(Req, State=#state{}) ->
{QueryVal, Req3} = cowboy_req:qs_val(<<"grouping">>, Req2),
Projects = case QueryVal of
undefined ->
PublicProjects = gitlab_utils:get_public_projects(),
PublicProjects = divapi_cache:get_components(),
Group when is_binary(Group) ->
PublicProjects = gitlab_utils:get_public_projects(),
PublicProjects = divapi_cache:get_components(),
filter_projects_by_grouping(PublicProjects, Group)
Expand All @@ -36,21 +36,21 @@ handle(Req, State=#state{}) ->
{ok, Req4, State}.

%% @doc Returns a list with new maps only containing the keys in information_fields
-spec get_components_information([map()]) -> [map()].
-spec get_components_information([binary()]) -> [map()].
get_components_information(Components) ->
maps:fold(fun(ComponentName, ComponentUrl, Acc) ->
Json = git_utils:get_diversity_json(ComponentName, ComponentUrl, <<"HEAD">>),
DiversityMap = jiffy:decode(Json, [return_maps]),
fun({_,undefined}, Acc) -> Acc;
({_,ComponentJson}, Acc) ->
DiversityMap = jiffy:decode(ComponentJson, [return_maps]),
Without = lists:filter(fun(K) -> not lists:member(K, ?INFORMATION_FIELDS) end, maps:keys(DiversityMap)),
[maps:without(Without, DiversityMap) | Acc]
end, [], Components).

%% @doc Returns a list of component names filtered by given grouping
-spec filter_projects_by_grouping([map()], binary()) -> [binary()].
-spec filter_projects_by_grouping([binary()], binary()) -> [binary()].
filter_projects_by_grouping(Components, Grouping) ->
maps:fold(fun(ComponentName, ComponentUrl, Acc) ->
Json = git_utils:get_diversity_json(ComponentName, ComponentUrl, <<"HEAD">>),
DiversityMap = jiffy:decode(Json, [return_maps]),
lists:foldl(fun({ComponentName, ComponentJson}, Acc) ->
DiversityMap = jiffy:decode(ComponentJson, [return_maps]),
Groups = maps:get(<<"grouping">>, DiversityMap, []),
case lists:member(Grouping, Groups) of
true -> [ComponentName | Acc];
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/divapi_app.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ start(_Type, _Args) ->
cowboy:start_http(diversity_api_listener, 100, [{port, ?PORT}],
[{env, [{dispatch, Dispatch}]}]

stop(_State) ->
Expand Down
134 changes: 134 additions & 0 deletions src/divapi_cache.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@

%% API.
-export([start_link/0, get_components/0, get_tags/1, get_diversity_json/2, get_diversity_json/3, populate_cache/0, empty_cache/1]).
%% gen_server.
-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,
code_change/3, terminate/2]).

-record(component, {name, tag, json}).

-define(TIMEOUT, 800000).

%% API.

-spec start_link() -> {ok, pid()}.
start_link() ->
gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []).

populate_cache() ->
gen_server:call(?MODULE, populate).

get_components() ->
gen_server:call(?MODULE, get_components, ?TIMEOUT).

get_tags(Component) ->
gen_server:call(?MODULE, {get_tags, Component}).

get_diversity_json(Component, Tag) ->
gen_server:call(?MODULE, {get_json, Component, Tag}).

get_diversity_json(Component, ComponentUrl, Tag) ->
gen_server:call(?MODULE, {get_json, Component, ComponentUrl, Tag}).

empty_cache(Component) ->
gen_server:call(?MODULE, {delete, Component}).

%% gen_server.

init([]) ->
Tab = ets:new(?MODULE, [bag, {keypos,}]),
{ok, Tab}.

handle_call(populate, _From, Tab) ->
{reply, ok, Tab};

handle_call(get_components, _From, Tab) ->
Names = ets:match(Tab, #component{name='$1', tag= <<"HEAD">>, json='$2'}),
Reply = lists:usort(lists:map(fun list_to_tuple/1, Names)),
{reply, Reply, Tab};

handle_call({get_tags, ComponentName}, _From, Tab) ->
Reply = case ets:lookup(Tab, ComponentName) of
[] ->
case ets:first(Tab) of
'$end_of_table' -> populate(Tab);
_ -> add_component(ComponentName, undefined, Tab)
Select = [{#component{name = ComponentName, tag = '$1', json = '_'}, [], ['$1']}],
GitTags = ets:select(Tab, Select),
lists:subtract(GitTags, [<<"HEAD">>]);
ComponentRows ->
[ Component#component.tag || Component <- ComponentRows, Component#component.tag /= <<"HEAD">> ]

{reply, Reply, Tab};

handle_call({get_json, ComponentName, Tag}, _From, Tab) ->
Reply = get_json_helper(ComponentName, undefined, Tag, Tab),
{reply, Reply, Tab};

handle_call({get_json, ComponentName, ComponentUrl, Tag}, _From, Tab) ->
Reply = get_json_helper(ComponentName, ComponentUrl, Tag, Tab),
{reply, Reply, Tab};

handle_call({delete, ComponentName}, _From, Tab) ->
ets:delete(Tab, ComponentName),
{reply, ok, Tab};

handle_call(_Request, _From, State) ->
{reply, ignored, State}.

populate_if_empty(Tab) ->
case ets:first(Tab) of
'$end_of_table' -> populate(Tab);
_ -> ok

populate(Tab) ->
Projects = gitlab_utils:get_public_projects(),
lists:foreach(fun({CName, CUrl}) -> add_component(CName, CUrl, Tab) end, maps:to_list(Projects)).

add_component(ComponentName, ComponentUrl, Tab) ->
Tags = git_utils:tags(ComponentName, ComponentUrl),
lists:foreach(fun(Tag) -> insert_new_json(ComponentName, ComponentUrl, Tag, Tab) end, [<<"HEAD">> | Tags]).

get_json_helper(ComponentName, ComponentUrl, Tag, Tab) ->
Select = [{#component{name = ComponentName, tag = Tag, json = '$1'}, [], ['$1']}],
case ets:select(Tab, Select) of
[] ->
case ets:first(Tab) of
'$end_of_table' -> populate(Tab);
_ -> add_component(ComponentName, ComponentUrl, Tab)
insert_new_json(ComponentName, ComponentUrl, Tag, Tab);
[undefined] ->
ets:select_delete(Tab, Select),
insert_new_json(ComponentName, ComponentUrl, Tag, Tab);
[Json] ->

insert_new_json(ComponentName, ComponentUrl, Tag, Tab) ->
NewJson = git_utils:get_diversity_json(ComponentName, ComponentUrl, Tag),
NewComponent = [#component{name = ComponentName, tag = Tag, json = NewJson}],
ets:insert(Tab, NewComponent),

handle_cast(_Msg, State) ->
{noreply, State}.

handle_info(_Info, State) ->
{noreply, State}.

terminate(_Reason, _State) ->

code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
{ok, State}.

%% Internal
30 changes: 16 additions & 14 deletions src/git_utils.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,26 +1,19 @@

%% API
-export([tags/1, get_diversity_json/2, get_diversity_json/3, git_refresh_repo/1]).

-export([tags/2, get_diversity_json/3, git_refresh_repo/1, get_file/4]).

%% @doc Returns a list with all tags in a git repository
-spec tags(binary()) -> [binary()].
tags(RepoName) ->
-spec tags(binary(), binary()) -> [binary()].
tags(RepoName, RepoUrl) ->
Cmd = "tag",
ResultString = get_git_result(RepoName, Cmd),
ResultString = get_git_result(RepoName, RepoUrl, Cmd),
[list_to_binary(Tag) || Tag <- string:tokens(ResultString, "\n")].

%% @doc Returns the diversity.json for a tag in a repo
-spec get_diversity_json(binary(), binary()) -> binary().
get_diversity_json(RepoName, Tag) ->
Cmd = "show " ++ binary_to_list(Tag) ++ ":diversity.json",
list_to_binary(get_git_result(RepoName, Cmd)).
-spec get_diversity_json(binary(), binary(), binary()) -> binary().
get_diversity_json(RepoName, RepoUrl, Tag) ->
Cmd = "show " ++ binary_to_list(Tag) ++ ":diversity.json",
list_to_binary(get_git_result(RepoName, RepoUrl, Cmd)).
get_git_file(RepoName, RepoUrl, Tag, <<"diversity.json">>).

%% @doc Fetches the latest tags for a repo
-spec git_refresh_repo(binary()) -> any().
Expand All @@ -31,11 +24,20 @@ git_refresh_repo(RepoName) ->
Cmd = "fetch origin master:master",

get_file(RepoName, RepoUrl, Tag, FilePath) ->
get_git_file(RepoName, RepoUrl, Tag, FilePath).

%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Internal stuff
%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
get_git_result(RepoName, Cmd) ->
get_git_result(RepoName, undefined, Cmd).
get_git_file(RepoName, RepoUrl, Tag, FilePath) ->
Cmd = "show " ++ binary_to_list(Tag) ++ ":" ++ binary_to_list(FilePath),
case get_git_result(RepoName, RepoUrl, Cmd) of
"fatal" ++ _ -> undefined;
Result -> list_to_binary(Result)

get_git_result(RepoName, RepoUrl, Cmd) ->
{ok, RepoDir} = application:get_env(divapi, repo_dir),
GitRepoName = RepoDir ++ "/" ++ binary_to_list(RepoName) ++ ".git",
Expand Down

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