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Building the mod

Raoul1808 edited this page Aug 8, 2021 · 2 revisions

Because of the structure of the Visual Studio project, the instructions to build the mod are on this wiki page instead of this repository's main README file.

This page will guide you on how to compile Speen Chroma.


Clone the repository

Clone this repository.

If you are using GitHub Desktop, click on the green Code button, then Open with GitHub Desktop.

If not, either download as a zip or type git clone using a terminal (requires git installed on your system).

Get the dependencies

Head over to where you cloned/extracted the repository. Go to the parent folder and create a folder called Libs.

Then go to your Spin Rhythm XD installation. Make sure you installed BepInEx and ran the game at least once to generate the unhollowed binaries. Go in the BepInEx subfolder and copy the following files to the previously created Libs folder:

  • core/0Harmony.dll
  • core/BepInEx.Core.dll
  • core/BepInEx.IL2CPP.dll
  • core/UnhollowerBaseLib.dll
  • unhollowed/Assembly-CSharp.dll
  • unhollowed/Il2Cppmscorlib.dll
  • unhollowed/SSD.PlayerServiceManager.dll
  • unity-libs/UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll

Note: Depending on the branch/version of the mod you are building, this requires more or less dependencies. You might want to copy extra files from unity-libs and/or unhollowed. Check the csproj file for more information.

Compile the mod

Open the solution (SpeenChroma.sln) and compile the mod.

If you get a build error from the post-build event, that's normal. I made a post-build event that automatically copies the compiled mod in my plugins folder and runs the game to quickly test the changes. So if your game isn't installed there, you will get this error.

You could just ignore this error, or you could remove the post-build event. It's up to you. I recommend you change the path, or if you don't want to deal with it just remove the post-build event (if you are contributing to the project, make sure you keep the original post-build event!).