Implementation of Constant-Weight Private Information Retrieval Using Constant-weight Equality Operators
This repository contains the experimental implementation of Constant-weight PIR using constant-weight equality operators proposed in the paper. The following figure shows the main steps of the protocol.
We also implement folklore PIR as described in the paper. Furthermore, we provide impelementations of the equality operators proposed in the paper for the purpose of benchmarking.
The project requires the following dependencies:
- GNU G++ (version >= 6.0)
- Microsoft SEAL (version >= 3.6)
Microsoft SEAL can be installed, locally or globally, using the instructions outlined in the repository.
The project can be built using the following command in src/build
cmake ..
If SEAL is not in your path or installed locally, you can use the following command
where [PATH TO SEAL] is the path to the SEAL library installed on your machine.
The ./main
executable accepts the following parameters
Parameter | Function | Default |
--num_keywords | Number of keywords in the database | 100 |
--eq_type | Type of equality operator to use (0: Folklore, 1: Constant-weight) | 1 : Constant-weight |
--hamming_weight | Hamming weight of the constant-weight code (applicable when the constant-weight operator is used) | 2 |
--log_poly_mod_degree | Logarithm of the polynomial modulus degree in SEAL | 13 |
--keyword_bitlength | Bitlength of the keywords (i.e. The bitlength of elements in the domain) | ceil(log2(num_keywords)) |
--response_bytesize | Byte size of the payload data in each row of the database | one plaintext |
--verbose | Verbosity flag | true |
--write_path | Path of the directory in which the results are written (the name of the file is a random number) | None |
--num_threads | Number of threads to use (0: Use all threads available, max parallelization) | 0 |
./main --num_keywords=100 --hamming_weight=2
./main --num_keywords=100 --hamming_weight=8 --log_poly_mod_degree=14
./main --num_keywords=10 --hamming_weight=2 --response_bytesize=2000
./main --num_keywords=10 --hamming_weight=2 --write_path=results/
The ./benchmark_eq
can be used to benchmark an equality of the following types: folklore plain (fl-plain), folklore arithmetic (fl-arith), folklore binary (fl-bin), constant-weight plain (cw-plain), constant-weight arithmetic (cw-arith), and constant-weight binary (cw-bin).
The executable accepts the following parameters (the requried inputs depends on the type of equality operator)
Parameter | Function | Default |
-d | Logarithm of the polynomial modulus degree in SEAL | 13 |
-l | Bitlength of elements in the domain | - |
-m | Length of Constant-weight Code (derived automatically if the bitlength of elements is given) | - |
-k | Hamming weight of the constant-weight code (applicable when the constant-weight operator is used) | 2 |
-p | Whether to run in parallel or not | false |
-w | Path of the directory in which the results are written (the name of the file is a random number) | - |
-v | Batched comparisons | true |
./benchmark_eq fl-plain -l 8
./benchmark_eq fl-arith -l 16 -d 14 -p -v
./benchmark_eq cw-plain -k 2 -l 32 -p
./benchmark_eq cw-arith -k 3 -w results-eq/ -p -v
The results shown in the paper can be reproduced using the implementation in this repository. The instructions reproduce the results are in the src/build
The repository is tested using the googletest framework. For building and running tests, run the following commands
cd tests
git clone
mkdir build
cd build