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Private message sharing for ETH2 validators using the RLN Construct

💰 This work is sponsored by the Ethereum Foundation through a grant.


This project is broken down into multiple components:

  • Contract (./contracts): the code that runs on the Ethereum blockchain.
    • The deployment script(s) (./deploy): the scripts that deploy the contract to the Ethereum blockchain.
    • Building and deploying the contract will also generate a number of files in the following directories:
      • Building (Compiling):
        • ./artifacts
        • ./typechain-types
        • ./cache
      • Coverage (Testing): ./coverage
      • Deploying: ./deployments
  • Client (./client): serves as the rln client and handles multiple tasks:
    • Serves the frontend UI accessible at http://localhost:2601/ by default
    • Serves the Rest API http://localhost:2601/api/v1/getRegistration/{public_key} which queries the subgraph for the registration of a public key
  • Subgraph (./subgraph): the code that runs on The Graph and indexes the blockchain for rln registrations.

This project also contains some infrustructure:

  • Graph Node (./graph-node): runs a local graph node where the subgraph can be deployed and tested.
  • Docker Compose (./docker-compose.yml): builds and runs the client in a docker container.

Using this Project

Run the client in docker

docker-compose up will build and run the client in a docker container for you.

Build and run the client on your local machine

npm run client:build will clean the build directory and build the client using webpack and put the build in the ./client/dist/ directory.

npm run client:run will run the client.

Setup for development

  1. Clone this repository git clone
  2. install the dependencies with npm install
  3. Build with npm run build.


Build the contract

npm run contract:build will clean the build directory and build the contract.

Run Contract Tests

In one terminal run npx hardhat node --no-deploy

Then in another run npm run contract:test


  • The gas usage table may be incomplete (the gas report currently needs to run with the --network localhost flag; see below).

  • When running with this localhost option, you get a gas report but may not get good callstacks

  • See here for how to configure the gas usage report.

Run Coverage Report for Tests

npm run contract:coverage


  • running a coverage report currently deletes artifacts, so after each coverage run you will then need to run npx hardhat clean followed by npm run build before re-running tests
  • the current coverage is 100% for the contract

Build Deploy to a local hardhat node for development

npm run contract:node will build the contract, start a local hardhat node, and deploy the contract to the node.

Deploy to the Ethereum Rinkeby test network

Create/modify network config in hardhat.config.ts and add API key and private key, then run:

npx hardhat deploy --network rinkeby

Client Development

npm run client:devserver will serve ./client/dist/server.js using node and reload the server on changes

npm run client:watch will watch for changes in the ./client/src/ directory and rebuild the client. If there is a non-recoverable error, this will sometimes break and needs to be restarted.

Subgraph / Graph Node Development

I would recommend reading The Graph's developer quick-start guide before changing anything in the ./subgraph directory.

Build the subgraph

Every command should be executed in the ./subgraph directory.

npm run codegen will generate the schema and resolvers for the subgraph.

npm run build will build the subgraph.

Deploy the subgraph to the TheGraph

npm run deploy will deploy the subgraph to the Graph Node.

Deploy the subgraph to a local Graph Node

npm run create-local allocates the local subgraph name

npm run deploy-local will deploy the subgraph to the local Graph Node.